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Does anyone find the same problem with the Hornby site as me?

I have a number of pre-orders, but find it virtually impossible to see what I still have outstanding. When I click on the Orders button nothing happens.

Every now and then I suddenly get another screen that allows me to check my order profile but it seems very random.

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I never use ad blockers, I find them a complete pain. Interestingly I never get ads either, at least not the pop-up variety. I just had a look at the 10 best ad blockers and guess what! an ad for one of them persistently kept popping up tired_face.

Also stuff like that can often slow you PC down.

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Yes, I have the same issues, the top level menu doesn't work for me. In fact most of the Hornby drop down menus don't work properly. I could make a joke about Hornby to stop using the local Primary School to write their web interface. I doubt it is the adblocker because I don't have one. One issue I am finding increasingly is that application writers increasingly design their apps to work on pads or mobile phones, so if you use a laptop or desktop you have issues. I have an I4 Dell based desktop running Windows 10 using the Chrome web browser, so if anyone wants to explain why the menus don't work, I am listening.

The way I get to my orders is, go to basket (yes, that dropdown works) from there you can get to your "wish list", then once in there you get links that do work, to your orders.

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Yep, it's not working again, so disabling my adblocker was just a red herring. It must have been the random event that I mentioned. Thanks Colin B for giving an alternate route to my orders I will use that for the future.

The site works OK on my tablet.

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Yep, it's not working again, so disabling my adblocker was just a red herring. It must have been the random event that I mentioned. Thanks Colin B for giving an alternate route to my orders I will use that for the future.

The site works OK on my tablet.

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Just curious, what happens when one pre-orders, payment to be made when ready for dispatch, you have used your credit card with expiry, say, 9/23 and pre-order does not come out until 2024 (even though it is promised for 2023). When the entry is declined, do Hornby contact you or just move on to the next order and you have lost your place.

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  • 3 months later...

If I use Reward Points when placing a pre-order, I assume the reward points go out immediately, and if that is the case, and I had enough points to cover the cost of the loco, does this mean it’s effectively pre-paid for?

I have Reward points but so far I haven’t used them for a pre-order.

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I think you could only use "available" Reward Points rather than "pending" for a pre-order.

I currently have 1300 odd in my "available account", which if I placed a pre-order today I could use the points and take £13 off of the price. I also have 4000 odd in the "pending account" which I would not be able to use until the order those points were given on has been supplied to me and the cooling off period had expired (14/21 days??) and those points were then transferred from my pending account to my available account.

I would assume that any Reward Points that are used for or towards the cost of a pre-order, would be taken from your "available" account as soon as the order was placed.

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Just looked at mine, no problems getting access, using a tablet if that is relevant. However, despite my 2 pre-orders being there, I have a big fat 0 in my pending account. I was under the impression that Hornby were retrospectively adding points for items that were still to be delivered when this scheme was launched. Can anyone clarify either way please.

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I have never been able to get the Orders page to load on my iPad using the current version of IOS with either a Safari or Chrome browser. It just tries to reload repeatedly without success and then says there was a problem!

I have 3 diferrent machines running MacOS - never a problem.

No idea why IOS doesn’t work and hasn’t done so for at least 4 months.

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I guess what I’m asking is, if a loco cost 3200 rewards points and I had 3200 available and ready to use Reward points, and used them when I made a pre-order, on release date, that loco is already paid for? This seems perfectly logical to me, but as I’ve never done it, and I imagine as of yet, no one has, I’m unsure of the answer.


I have the same issue, the orders page just reloads repeatedly then crashes on my iPhone. I commented on this in the website feedback section of the forum and the issue has been forwarded to Hornby.

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I don’t have a problem with accessing the points page,the problem I have is if I click on a item to view I don’t get any pictures of the item,I only have the written information,im using a MacBook Pro (old version) but it is fine on the iPhone which is not a newish model either.

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