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Elite Controller no longer in production - (according to Hattons)?


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I see the same page as before and each link opens to show in stock, with the 5-metre one only 9 left. Odd that you see nil stock.

Try this for the 3-metre one


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Same for me as 96RAF. Following my links show all 'In Stock' with only the 5 metre length being limited to a stock level of 9 leads.

Note that the page that opens (image in 96RAFs earlier post), is not the order page, it is just a product listing page. You have to 'click through' to the order page for the length you want where the stock status is displayed.

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When I had the chance to speak to Simon Kohler recently, he assured me that Hornby were still committed to DCC but they had been hit very hard by the chip shortage.

Also, You really can't blame Hatton's for this. I think Hornby have treated them pretty poorly (of course without knowing all the ins & outs) & they can't have items available to preorder if they consider there is little chance of ever receiving them.

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Hornby say that some box shifters take orders from customers without having confirmation of what allocation of a model they will get from Hornby. This amounts to overbooking hence when they receive their allocation numbers they have to tell some customers that their order is cancelled. It is also a known fact that certain vendors will scrub a pre-order then shortly offer up the same model at an inflated price. One member reported this on forum a long time ago about Jadlam.

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I reckon Hornby would do well going into partnership with another manufacturer and rebranding an existing product rather than developing their own. The z/Z21 would be the obvious choice given Hornby and Roco's collaboration in the past - Roco nearly adopted the Zero 1 and I'm sure a Hornby distributed z/Z21 would greatly increase its adoption in the UK market.

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I’m definitely not blaming anyone, I know every industry that uses any electrical component is screaming out for resources, and with what’s going on in Ukraine, I imagine certain industries are taking priority.

I’m just considering my options. Do I stick with Hornby in the hope they do release more Elites, or come out with a new system entirely. If so, will it work with my Select, probably not. Or go with a different brand.

Due to the price of building materials being absolutely insane right now, I probably won’t finish my loft until after Christmas, so fortunately, this is not an immediately pressing issue.

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I expect an answer from Hornby about the Elite production run delivery dates next week. Their answer is likely to be focussed not so much on when, but how many, due to supply chain problems.

As you are in no rush to change systems then wait and see what if anything comes out of the Jan ‘23 launch.

I test their next generation DCC development kit, which is designed to work with legacy devices such as Select and Elite. As usual some of this new stuff falls by the wayside like the useful Select-a-Link cable, but more stuff makes it into production, e.g. you can look forward to some decent spec decoders to fill those new OO/TT loco sockets; these were also delayed by supply issues.

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@DarkRedCape from what I am reading you already have a Select. Not having a Select, I cannot speak from experience but I gather with the Select you are limited with what you can do. So why not use the Select for programming and buy something like a DigiKeijs to use on your layout. It all depends on whether you are happy with using a PC, but with it you get the ability to control more than 2 trains by just using "Windows" pop up boxes. The DigiKeijs is cheaper than the Elite and has the ability to connect to a SmartPhone or Pad wirelessly or if you want to, you can buy a Roco hand held device instead to do the same thing. The Elite has the advantage that its menus make it easy for the programming but as far as I am concerned that is all and currently you don't know when Hornby will produce anymore.

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@DarkRedCape The Elite has the advantage that its menus make it easy for the programming but as far as I am concerned that is all and currently you don't know when Hornby will produce anymore.



Rob is saying he should find out next week, so it is worth DRC waiting at least until then before making any decisions.

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I assumed he would do, I was just pointing out that there are other versions available. Hornby might be better off developing the ELink with a simple front end that runs on a PC, rather than using Railmaster. Better still add wireless or BlueTooth to the Elink and write an app that works on a smart device. They have the technology already on the Scalextric platform.

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@Brew Man my lattitude laptop is not much bigger than the Elite admittedly you also need the DigiKeijs but that can be screwed anywhere. The only disadvantage is the lack of the rotary encoder. The big advantage for me is I can run about 6 trains on my layout and I can see each one on the screen and just select which one I want to change. I must admit the software is a bit lacking they could improve it an awful lot, but decent software costs a lot of money.

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I assumed he would do, I was just pointing out that there are other versions available. Hornby might be better off developing the ELink with a simple front end that runs on a PC, rather than using Railmaster. Better still add wireless or BlueTooth to the Elink and write an app that works on a smart device. They have the technology already on the Scalextric platform.



Open up an eLink Colin and you will find it already has the mobo location for adding the components required to support an Xpressnet port. Such components exist to be robbed from other Hornby kit, e.g. caps, resistors, and ic U2. Unfortunately although I added the components without drama, one then needs the eLink firmware update to release operation of that facility and it was not provided as the project fell by the wayside.

Such a connection would have allowed a Select to become an RM walkabout from eLink. Another example of a good idea binned.

One day the poor old Select will talk to the world.



Interesting idea you have though - do you think there is any advantage in using WiFi / BT connectivity from an app on a mobile device to talk to a DCC controller vs the wireless connectivity with the hand-held app add-on already in existence in RM.





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I haven't got an eLink 96RAF, I was just suggesting a way forward. I just suggested BlueTooth as it is easier to set up. I have an Elite, DigiKeijs and a Fleishmann Twin Track (replaced by the DigiKeijs). The Elite is great for programming locos but the DigiKeijs is perfect for running trains. The only thing wrong with the DigiKeijs is the missed opportunities in the user interface. As an ex Windows programmer I think there is a lot more that they could do with the user interface to improve it, whether or not they do, remains to be seen.

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I do indeed have a Select. My plan was, get the Elite and Railmaster software and hook it up to my laptop, then use a Select as a control point on the other side of the loft.

Given that the Elite was out of stock, I picked up a Select just so that I could at least get things moving, run my locos in, fit decoders, etc etc. And I have to say that even though it’s functionality is obviously limited, I like it. It’s simple to use, programming trains is easy, even though the lack of a dedicated programming track feature is a slight pain. I’ve been running a small three ring oval layout and it’s handled it no problem. I had heard the rotary wheel for controlling loco speed could be a bit iffy, but I never had any problems with mine.

I don’t mind switching to a different control setup, I’ve just watched so many videos and tutorials on the Elite + Select + Railmaster setup that that’s what I had set my mind on.

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Secondhand Elites are easily available as per my previous post. My original one must be some 12 years old,and not missed a beat. If I was in uk, I would have lent you one, but since Brexit, customs make this difficult. All of mine are/were secondhand.

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Elite, RailMaster and Walkabout Select is exactly the system and I find it ideal.

The layout can be operated under complete computer control, complete Manual control using the Elite and/or Select or a combination of both manual and computer control.

We just need the Loco Detection add on to RailMaster now, to complete the picture!

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I have the RailMaster software but obviously with no Elite or eLink I can only use a few of its features. I’ve played about with it as much as I can with no controller to connect to, but I really like how it works and it seems endlessly configurable.

Hopefully more information about the Elite will come from Hornby next week about the future availability of it. If the are done with it, I’ll have to look at second hand or pick a new system. If they are just pausing production and given how long, maybe I can wait it out.

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It was about £270 on Hattons before it was removed from the website. I had my pre-order locked in at £250 before it was cancelled.

My Select was £125 from Hattons, which has also been removed from their website.

Maybe they just can’t make a profit from it anymore. Who knows.

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