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Identifying 0-6-0 chassis and replacement wheel sets .

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Would anyone be so kind as to help me identify the correct replacement wheel set for this Hornby 0-6-0 chassis which I found at the bottom of my spares / junk box? I am not a fan of traction tyres and would like to replace the centre wheels and gear, or at least retain the existing gear, and replace just the wheels as long as the axle diameter and gear pitch forum_image_63630b8fea3f2.thumb.png.9fc82cf2de5fbe9eadfb6a798315a685.pngis the same. However, I am unsure which X number would be correct, since there seem to be so many 0-6-0 variations. I have a vague inkling that the chassis came from a Dino Safari 08 shunter, but internet searches don’t reveal any information about this chassis / wheel set . Thank you for any help you can provide.

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I can't help with the wheelset I'm afraid, but I do note that the left hand coupling rod is upside down - the oil reservoir should be at the top, not at the bottom (like the right hand rod). You might like to correct this when replacing the wheels. I am sure that the more knowledgable members of this forum will be able to help with the correct wheelset details. Good luck with the re-wheeling.

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I recently built an 0-6-0 from spares. I far as I can tell all the 0-6-0 wheels are the same, except on some the middle wheel has traction tyres and some have bearings on the back wheel. I just did a search of 0-6-0 wheels on the popular Hornby spares suppliers website, got the part number of a suitable set and then did a google on that part number. 0-6-0 wheels seem to be hard to come by most of the normal sites are listing them as out of stock.

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A word of caution. I'm assuming from what you say that the centre wheels on your loco have traction tyres, which of course are there to improve traction. You may find that if you get rid of the traction tyres the loco won't have much tractive effort, especially if the loco is Chinese made and lightweight. Before getting rid of the traction tyres I would test how well the loco copes with gradients and loads, with and without the tyres.

I find it's a good idea with small Chinese-made tank engines such as pugs (which don't have traction tyres) to add some extra weight to the loco.

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Hornby do not supply individual wheelsets so it would be necessary to locate pack X8871M which contains all three (the M indicating the modification to the centre wheels to remove their traction tyres). However, this pack is seemingly very difficult to find, and is priced at around £20.

Further, although it may be due to the angle at which your photograph was taken, it appears that the body securing lugs at one if not both ends have been broken off. In which case the equally elusive X8019SK chassis bottom moulding (£4) would be needed.

This chassis in tyreless form has been used on a number of locos for several years, although only on the new 'SECR' tank R30039 currently, without any shortcomings in pulling power.

But, all-in-all, perhaps better to leave in the spares box?

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Thank you all for your helpful replies. I hadn’t noticed the upside down connecting rod, and that is something I must correct if I can find a new wheel set. The fixing lugs at one end are indeed broken and will need a bodge or replacement keeper plate to restore the chassis to working order. I went to the dark side (O gauge) ten years ago and sold all my OO stuff, apart from a few models which my wife had bought me, but I have recently dusted them down and have started a small 8ft x 21 inch layout of a steam loco yard, so haulage will not really be too much of a problem on the flat. But I agree about adding weight - I have 2 Pugs which I have crammed with lead, and got them both to a total of 110 grammes, and a couple of Jinties, one of which is also weighted with lead strips in the side tanks and boiler end. The other is currently in pieces being serviced. I have cobbled together a collection of decoders, also from the spares box, and have not had to buy much, because I still have a lot of live frog points and track that have sat in a cupboard for years. I think I am getting the OO bug again! Thank you all for your help. Arbuthnot.

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If you are contemplating DCC control of your loco yard, and you manage to replace the wheelset and keeperplate, it would also be worth considering changing the motor carrier to one which gives pick-ups on all six wheels (part of X8809M) to minimise the potential problem of stalling on point frogs (and which can also come pre-connected to a 4-pin decoder socket as part of X8809DM).

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