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Bachmann J72 31-062SF not working with Select Controller


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I'm new to DCC and am having a problem I'm hoping someone can help me with please?

I've just bought a brand new Bachmann J72 0-6-0 with sound fitted (31-062SF) and I have a factory upgraded new Hornby Select controller to V1.6.

On taking the J72 out of the box and putting it on the track as '03' on the controller, it went slowly round. I then tried to assign it a new address, but it will not take it and will now not move.

The hornby Select says that the red light on the controller should flash 7 times, but with the J72 on the track it only flashes three times, so not sure if the loco is compatible with the Select controller?

I have another hornby DCC sound fitted loco that works fine.

If you could help it would be much appreciated.



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Suggest you starting by writing 8 to CV8 which will reset all decoder settings to factory including putting the address to/back to 03. Then try again.

Make sure the J72 is the only thing on or connected to the track otherwise you will reset everything.

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Any idea which sound decoder is fitted to that loco ..................



Info below lifted from a retailers website:

SOUND FITTED – Fitted with a ESU Loksound Micro V5DCC Sound Decoder – See below for function list

Length 115mm


F1 - Sound On / Sound Off

F2 - Brake (activates brake sounds and increases the rate of deceleration)

F3 - Cylinder Drain Cocks

F4 – Whistle (Playable)

F5 - Normal Load / Heavy Load

F6 (STATIONARY) - Firebox Door Open (red firebox light flickers)

F6 (MOVING) - Firebox Door Open (red firebox light flickers and yellow light pulses in time with the exhaust)

F7 - Injectors

F8 - Whistle

F9 - Flange Squeal

F10 - Shovelling Coal (F6 must be On to activate this function)

F11 - Blower (with F6 On and the locomotive stopped the red and yellow firebox lights will also flicker)

F12- Hand Brake (locomotive will not move with the Hand Brake applied)

F13 - Water Tank Filling

F14 - Coupling/un-Coupling Clank

F15 - Safety Valve

F16 - Guard’s Whistle & Driver’s Response Toot

F17 - Coasting

F18 - Sound Fades Out / Sound Fades In

F19 - Shunt Mode (reduces speed)

F20 - Acceleration/Deceleration inertia off

F21 - Volume Control (LATCH = Volume On/Off) or (TRIGGER = cycles 6 Volume Levels)

F22 - Rail joint clatter

Analogue Users: Please note that exhaust and motion, automatic and randomised sounds will also operate when this model is used on analogue control (DC) straight from the box!

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The Bachmann leaflet with it says its a Next 18 ESU Loksound Micro V5DCC.

I've now managed to give the loco an arbitrary address e.g. 33, then it will go round slowly and after it stops, does not start again and I have then to re-set the address to a different one e.g. 22 and it will start again??!!

Very frustrating and being a newbie I'm wondering have I not done something.....

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From what you describe Mike65 it sounds like you are doing nothing wrong. The Loksound from my experience seems to not be very tolerant of a bad DCC signal compared with a Zimo and even a Hornby, so it could be that. What it might be and I am assuming it has a Next 18 decoder in it, is the decoder is not properly making contact with the socket. On my Bachmann 812 I had all sorts of issues, Rails who I bought it from, suggested taking the decoder out and putting it back in again. That didn't work until I cleaned all the socket pins with alcohol. I have had it happen with another Next 18 decoder in a different loco. Obviously if you don't have a Next 18 decoder then ignore what I have said. If all else fails and this is expensive, is buy a normal decoder and see if that improves it. Then at least you will know what is wrong. LaisDCC do decoders which are quite cheap and are perfect to just test out locos. The other thing to check is that someone hasn't fitted "keep alive", that makes programming difficult.

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Agree with only doing things not involving removing the decoder and return under warranty if unsuccessful. However, do suggest you report to your supplier that a forum user (Colin) has reported the need to clean the pins and socket of a Next 18 decoder to get it to function correctly, along with the second reported unable to program problem.

And an observation not related to this topic - oh dear, DCC TT:120 with Next 18 sockets - here we go with a problem before we even start.

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It is a well known problem that Next-18 decoders have to be firmly plugged in. Add to that manufacturing tolerances twixt socket suppliers and various manufacturers decoders and it is as you say a problem before we start.

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