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LNER Hitachi Class 800 Azuma Slow Speed Juddering.


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Hornby R3827 LNER Hitachi Class 800/1 Azuma Set 800 104 Celebrating Scotland Train Pack - Era 11

Hey Guys,

I’ve got a problem with slow speed running, accelerating and decelerating. The brand new model judders badly and the motor makes some terrible noises.

It’s running with a Hornby R8249 Decoder and Hornby Select Controller. All CV’s are set as per the manufacturer. I’ve tried backing the bEMF down but this doesn’t seem to help. I’ve also tried adjusting the acceleration, deceleration and speed step parameters but no joy.

Here’s a video..


Anybody got any ideas, its driving me nuts!

Any advice, much appreciated!


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As it is new I would contact Hornby Customer Services for a warranty repair before messing about with it, especially cutting out capacitors.

i would however check any power track or power clips feeding your track for a capacitor which should be removed.

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