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Front bogie spring for flying Scotsman


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I hope everyone is well and in good health.

I sold a locomotive and I was asked question about Hornby R3284TTS missing spring on mounting bolt which hold the front bogie with 4 wheels, I have checked all flying Scotsman I have, earlier tender driven, loco driven with empty ring field body in tender, loco driven motor without flywheel, loco driven motor with flywheel. None of the Flying Scotsman I have contain or have present spring on the bolt which holds the front bogie with chassis.

Can anyone elaborate on this for me?

i am attaching 2 pictures to show what the seller send me.

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I think you will find the Railroad version doesn't have a spring whereas the special detail one does. The mounting bracket is also different, the super detail one has a tab that fits into the cylinder block whereas the Railroad version doesn't have this. Being TTS, I imagine the loco is a Railroad version.

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I wasn't aware of this much difference in between detailed version and cheap railroad model.

So that clears one thing, all my Flying Scotsman are railroad models.

Is it possible to find out detailed version model number with 5 pole motor, so I can look for that particular model to have and check the difference.

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There are many new, re-engineered and same-specification models for which there is not yet a Service Sheet, but looking at sheet 316, the Railroad A1 bogie is equipped with a spring, the bogie arm being much wider than its equivalent on sheet 380/B which does not show a spring.

The only conclusion that can be drawn, I think, is that some locos did come with a spring while others did/do not, although in the absence of up-to-date Service Sheets, it is difficult to be categoric as to which should and which should not except perhaps to say that the newer the model the less likely it is to have a spring.

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The Service Sheet 316 is for older model, this is based on, I think ( I could be wrong) that, when Hornby decided to use motor in Loco, they must have tender in stock with ring field empty body, plus it would add weight to tender as well.

But the strangest thing is I have one Flying Scotsman exactly same as per the SS316 but that Loco doesn't have spring and Bolt with nut.


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