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TTS sound but no movement


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Hi. Any advice welcomed please. Hornby Crosti 9F, TTS fitted. has stopped moving but the sound works correctly, accelerates etc whistles et al. I've fitted a new sound decoder, exactly the same outcome. Tried a reset, to no avail. I can see examples and potential CV programming solutions on USA websites, brakes locked etc, but nothing so far for Hornby TTS. Any shared experience/ advice would be most welcome. Thanks in anticipation

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@robert (Posted - 10:34 14/2/23)

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If it previously moved and now stopped plus sound working and a new decoder still has the same symptoms.

Then this proves pickups are working and decoder is probably not the fault, leaving only the motor itself or the wiring from the DCC decoder socket to the motor. The motor connects to pins 1 & 5 on the 8 pin DCC socket.

Very unlikely to be CV issue if the motor previously worked and has just stopped.

You ideally need to use a Multimeter to diagnose the wiring further. You can confirm the motor as good or bad by taking two wires from a DC power source and placing them directly on the motor terminals. Unplug the decoder first to eliminate the risk of the DC supply damaging the motor control H bridge circuit in the decoder.

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It is in cases like this that you remove the decoder replace it with a DC header and then check if the loco runs on DC. You also won't blow anything up if you do your testing on dc which you could easily do on DCC if you are playing with motor connections.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Moderator - acknowledged and actioned.

First and foremost a big thank you for the time taken in responding to my crie de cour the matter was frustrating the proverbial out of me. Following the various advice provided I undertook a detailed check of the loco and eventually discovered two very small cracks on the wiring between the loco and tender. Of the four wires the two central ones had the tiny cracks whereas the two outer ones were undamaged. The loco would thereby accelerate etc sound wise as the power was increased but wouldn't move. I've no idea how or what caused the issue, no obvious heat or impact damage, may just be stress breakage, but at least my sanity is back intact as to the cause. So thanks again all.

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If the breaks in the wiring are in the four pin plug wiring then that part is available as a spare X6113 from memory (others will correct me if not) and it is easier to replace that than trying to fettle wire breaks within insulation.

PN edited - thanks P-H

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Of the four wires the two central ones had the tiny cracks whereas the two outer ones were undamaged.



The two inner central ones transfer power from the decoder to the motor. So that would be consistent with sound working but no motor function.

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