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decoder arrived but no app


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Those ‘in the know’ have also signed NDAs so nothing can or will be disclosed before a Hornby say so.

As Rob has said many times, the new decoders will work just like a ‘normal’ decoder straight from the box but all the bells and whistles come with the app.

As far as that is concerned all that is needed is a bit of patience.

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Rob, you're such a tease.grinning



Not really as there is a standard release procedure to go through with the app stores. Once the app is ready for release and it is submitted to them then it is out of Hornby's hands.

All I can say is the app is with Apple.

It is likely the Hornby product announcement will add more detail, especially given the app scan codes do not work yet and there will be user guides and manuals, etc to be published and linked to.

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I was really excited to test bluetooth and how they sound. I even bought decent but very cheap speakers with 2 pin connector. But "good things come to those who wait" so I will just have to wait.



The product page clearly states the TXS sound decoders come with a decent speaker system. I trust your speakers are of a suitable impedance and power rating. The ones I saw on Cool Components with a 2-pin plug were only 4-ohm so unsuitable.

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Talking of impedance mine have shipped and one thing I'm curious to find out is if the Rapidos 16 hunslets built in speaker will be ok.

I'm thinking I could test just by cutting ✂️ both the built in speaker wires then making a join to a cut tsx cable

I'm slightly baffled why any of these speakers at this size would not work as all the chips start at the same voltage and generally don't produce staggering different amounts of power to the speakers driver. And none of these are hard to drive speakers , they don't even have a real crossover to deal with. Even if you drove a 4ohm it would have to be quite an amp shortage to not work. Or is this actually measuring something somewhere somehow.

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Audio output of sound decoders is spec’d as X watts at Y impedance. Wander off spec at your peril. A loco sound decoder is not unlike your home HiFi in that if you drive it at high power into the wrong speakers you will blow either the amp or speaker whichever is the weakest link.

Stick with the decent speaker provided, run the decoder amp at the default global volume level and all will be well.

A word of caution about these new speakers, the driver attaches to the enclosure by double sided sticky and once pressed into place they will self destruct if you attempt to unstick them, so be sure the enclosure you assemble is the right one before sticking the driver in place.

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Sorry for being a bit dense, but this is all about as clear as mud. I have pre-ordered one of the 8 pin sound decoders to put in my new Scotsman. Do they come with a speaker? I think the decoder needs an 8 ohms speaker, is that right?

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Thanks @ Bulleidboy. I have just read the product page again and it says:

This decoder also has sound capabilities, the perfect pairing to a loco with a pre-fitted speaker or even for locomotives that can fit a small external sugar cube speaker.

so I feel a bit less of a muppet.

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Received my 8 pin decoder today. Bigger box than I was expecting, but not nearly as big as the card board box it came in, ridiculous! The App is installed by scanning the QR code on the instruction guide, buttt! it's not available yet disappointed_relieved - at least not for Android. Should be along soon though.

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Apple refused the app as it was stated as pre-release. This label has been amended out and the app resubmitted to Apple Store. It is in their hands again.

As also indicated the Android app will follow, but not immediately. Could be a week or few.

Yes there is a raft of hidden content including videos, quick start guides, user manual, etc.

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