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decoder arrived but no app


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I have both IOS and Android, so shouldn't a problem.



Just be a little cautious with that. As with most apps these days, they are designed to operate on up to date versions of the operating systems - if you have older kit then the app may not be compatible with the operating systems that Apple etc no longer support or provide updates for.



Like you, I have access to both but already know that my iPad (iOS 12.5.7) is unlikely to work so I will need to be patient until the android version is available.

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Like you, I have access to both but already know that my iPad (iOS 12.5.7) is unlikely to work so I will need to be patient until the android version is available.

In future it maybe an issue but for now I am OK, my main phone is android phone with android 13 running on it, so no problem there,

My second phone (which I mainly use to face time my relatives in Pakistan 🇵🇰 ) have ios 16, so there shouldn't be a problem for now but maybe next year when apple release ios 17 or ios 18 they may stop support my iPhone 8 plus. Same goes to my ipad which have ios 16 at the moment but in future may not work. When that time comes, hopefully I will have android app up and running so don't need to worry about ios's.

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IOS V12.5.7 iPad Air is listed as not working for now, but should work eventually along with those Android devices listed.

Anything younger than 5 years old should be OK.

One of the extended test team is using an iPhone 8.

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Whatever you do - do not try to use the HM6K app to control your new decoders. Although they will link to the app you will have no control over them and at days end you will have the hassle of unlinking them, then having to reset each decoder which requires getting a reset code from Hornby.

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95RAF I think you are missing the point. Most of us that are not deeply into this project don't know what a HM6K app is. We just link to the QR Code in the install manual which then runs the install package, which we now see is the wrong one. Now if I had just "hacked" around the Hornby website and got an app, then that would be entirely my fault, but I didn't.

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At risk of upsetting you further Colin HM6K and 7K are my abbreviations used widely on the forum to describe the HM | DC and HM | DCC systems respectively.

These systems have been flagged on the web site for a long time and it would be unrealistic to think that anyone could not have noticed them, as one would be unlikely to miss the launch of TT:120.

Please have the grace to admit that you have gotten yourself into a pickle not entirely of your own fault and give up defending yourself. It is not necessary.

The task now is to wait for the digital app to be released and we will take you and any others who have fallen foul of the scan code misdirection through the recovery process step by step if necessary.

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I will admit 96RAF I don't read HM applications posts because generally they are not relevant to what I am doing and as far as I know these terms have not appeared on the normal DCC posts, but then I generally I just gloss over those. Anyway why would I need to know it is not relevant as long as it works. The only time I want to know is when I load the app, I mean I don't expect to load the Wetherspoons app when trying to log into my bank.

I have not got into a pickle I am just pointing out that there are issues. Now I know you are deeply involved with this project, so it is your baby. You probably know that a few tweaks here and there and it will be perfect, which it might be in a few weeks/months. Been there done it, I just am just being devils advocate for those people that just buy a product and expect it to work out of the box, followed by a call to "Watchdog" in the old days when it doesn't.

I await the release of the the new app.

One thing you could do if you haven't done it already is do something to stop the QR Code pointing to the wrong install software. I am not buying anymore for the moment and I have only one so not really a big issue for me. The other interesting thing was I searched the documentation that came with the product, no mention of current limits for the driver, I assume this is listed on the Hornby site somewhere. Virtually every other DCC decoder I buy it comes with the printed documentation because it is important.

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Colin - I have already said several times that the scan code points to support documentation for now, then it will point to the real app.

I even put up a specific post about it after yours and another’s experiences.

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