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HM7000 and Digikeijs DR5000


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I would doubt it, I remember on my one I have change the wireless settings on the PC to communicate with DR5000 so it stopped working on the web. I was going to look into adding a second wireless channel. Now you could get a bluetooth dongle for your PC, if it doesn't have bluetooth (none of mine do) but I doubt if any of the Hornby software would work, or was it you wanted it to work with the wifi on your phone while you are running the DR5000. I am not an expert on this so that is my best logical guess. Why don't you ask Digikeijs they are quite knowledgeable guys and usually always answer questions. I am sure you could also probably ask Hornby.

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The HM7000 APP is AFAIK Bluetooth ONLY in terms of wireless working therefore not Wi-fi compatible.

The DR5000 does have an XpressNet port on the unit, but the manual is a bit vague about its use. It talks about configuring XpressNet protocol on the LAN physical interface [different one to the inbuilt XpressNet port marked as XN] on Page 19 of the manual, but is not clear whether the XN port works independently of the Lan port protocol configuration.

The DR5000 manual also indicates that the XN port has dual function, but my brief read of the manual gave no indication that I could find [quickly] as to how to use the XN port for XpressNet.

Then there is the question of whether the DR5000 XpressNet protocol is compatible with Hornby's XpressNet implementation. There are some rumours that Hornby's version may be somewhat modified for Hornby products.

If the DR5000 XN port and XpressNet protocol implementation is compatible with Hornby, it would still need the Hornby Dongle to connect as the Dongle is an Active Bluetooth communication device specifically supported by the HM7000 APP.

It is still very early days, and really needs some 'early adopters' like yourself to try these things out and report back.......

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The dongle has been and will be further tested with various controllers that support Xpressnet, noting that some controllers have the old DIN socket for the facility which would require some form of DIN-RJ gender changer (if that is allowed these days - haha - I had to swap weasel words to wriggle that past the prof-filter).

As stated above all the dongle does is pass commands from the app to the controller. The controller then sends DCC commands through the rails to legacy decoders. The app is playing the role of a walkabout handset with the dongle acting as the interface cable.

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Thanks to all above for the time taken to give some thoughts on this question.

I have a Digikeijs DR5000 on back order. There is a lack of availability currently due to the world wide chip shortage.

I can always use the DR5000 with the Z21app but I thought it would be nice to try the HM7000 if possible. Although I don't foresee myself using Bluetooth decoders so I don't need it for that reason.

In the past I have used Digitrax, Prodigy Advanced, Z21 Start and Daisy II. All of which I found to be excellent for my needs at the time. But for my ambitious new layout I thought the DR5000 and its accessories would be the best fit. I will also be using Train Controller or iTrains on the new layout as well. I have used Train Controller before but that was pre-iTrains existence. I am still trying to weigh up which to go with for the new project.

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