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Plux22 version of HM7000

HST Mainline

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Today I received my first HM7000 decoder. Oh my! It is easy to use! I am amazed by this new system.

I have already played around with the wheel slip simulation and sound volume per function etc. It is so easy!

My only problem is that a majority of my locos have the Plux22 (European NEM-standard) plug. Hornby has not announced a version of HM7000 for Plux22.

Currently it is a showstopper since most Roco, PIKO etc. locos are equipped with a Plux22 plug.

Have anybody heard if this is something that is being worked on? It will greatly improve the change of widespread adoption in Europe, if all plug types are available.

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Unlikely to be one as Hornby do not produce any locos with that socket. If any of their international range uses the socket then there could be a variant once there are sound profiles for those locos.

I expect SK will say - never say never.

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Unlikely to be one as Hornby do not produce any locos with that socket.



Yeah, I'm affraid that will be the answer too. In that case the system has no real appeal to me (or any European modeller for that matter). The system shines if I could replace all my existing decoders for Bluetooth ones.

If I have to have a DCC system for non-compatible locos, then it is kind of pointless to make the move in the first place. I think a lot of people will feel that way too.

It is a nice system, but Hornby is missing out on potential customers by not releasing a version for one of Europe's most used sockets.

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I am due to have a short interview with Simon K on Friday for MacTrains YouTube. I’ll ask him then if you like.



By all means, raise the question. I'm sure he will answer like RAF mentions. But I still think it is a valid question.

There has been a lot of chatter about HM 7000 where I live (in Denmark).

Normally Hornby does not get this kind of attention here. I think that says a lot about the potential of the system.

Unfortunately, I don't think people have realised that they can't get decoders for all of their locos.

The system is not interesting if you can't go all in.

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Trouble is every time you add an adapter you take up the little space you are allowed for the decoder. On some of my Bachman locos in the case of TTS adding the adapter made it such that the roof wouldn't fit properly (I eventually rewired it to a 21 pin header. As was said on another forum this PCB is large so that on many locos it won't fit, try fitting it to a Hornby class 87. A lot of people me being one, don't want to machine chunks out of their £200+ loco. So on some locos it will work on others it won't. So you do what I do at the moment pick the decoder that best fits the application.

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Spoke with SK today (video won’t upload till next week, after editing) and as suspected it’s a no, for now anyway. Adapters are the only realistic way for now, space dependant. Plus one for the idea of hacking an existing model to get space! I had to take away a 1/8” notch out of the chassis block of my Bachmann 08 to get it to fit. Nice sound though!

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I noticed that ESU manufactures a Plux12 to Next18 adapter that uses a flat band cable. This might be able to curl up inside a loco. So I guess I will have to try that on some locos. Otherwise an adapter plate (MTC21 to Plux22) might be a solution. As mentioned: Space is an issue.

The nice thing about Plux sockets is that they are interchangeable, a Plux22 decoder will go into a Plux12 and vise verca. The Plux22 will not be able to use all of its output on the Plux12 socket (for obvious reasons) and the Plux12 decoder will not be able to use all the pin holes on the Plux22 socket. But the basic stuff will work.

This means that some functions will not be available, if you use the ESU Plux12 converter on a Plux22 loco. The only real solution is a MTC21 to Plux22 converter, as those two are almost interchangeable with regards to pins.

We'll see. I will have to start hunting for a solution.

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HST Mainline, my Piko TT BR130 has Plux16 socket. I use an ESU 51996 adapter plate and TXS N18 sound decoder into that. This is in a TT:120 loco that is already quite tight on space, it’s the regular pin type not a flat ribbon extension type. The board adds 2.5 mm to the stack height.

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@Rallymatt. That is perhaps a working idea, as long as the H0 model does not utilize AUX3 - AUX7. Access to these outputs are the only difference between Plux16 and Plux22. So it might just work for some models. I will have to check out the adapter.

I have not found a similar adapter for MTC21 to Plux22. Unfortunately.

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