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Having issues installing Merchant Navy sound pack


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I recently got an R30112 Dublo Merchant Navy, my only loco in this class. I got an 8-pin HM7000 TXS decoder to go in it. After plugging the decoder in, the loco worked fine on the default profile, I ran it around for a while and tried all the sounds, then decided to install the Merchant Navy profile.

After installing, the loco wouldn't move and an error appeared on the app saying Sound Data Missing. I tried to upload the profile again and still the same error. So I loaded up the default profile again and the loco and sound worked fine.

My phone sat next to the loco and didn't move for the duration of all the uploads.

Is this a bug, or is there some procedure I'm missing?


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Try a reset of the decoder using the reset code, then reload SD999 default profile, then try the MN profile again, then import the function list and running settings, making sure you cycle power to the loco upon request from the screen.

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I suppose the only other question to ask is how long did it take to program and did the phone have any updates while you were doing it (something like an internet mail message). I assume the phone didn't go to sleep during the reprogram.

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I had this issue with installing the A1/3 profile for TT120 in the end after it said remove the loco I left it an another 50 seconds. Pressed ok not removing the loco until I went to managed device screen saw the pack had installed and then powered down and back on the loco and seems to work. Only discovered this after 3 attempts at trying to install it and then getting back to the loco after time ran out for about minute. As default wouldn’t even install back for me.

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You need to raise a technical request to Hornby (as it says customer support), this forum is not really the place, they need to know. This feature is new and very few people are using it. I can think of a few issues that could cause it (I used to write reprogramming applications for automotive modules), so Hornby need to know before they release the Android app and get swamped with a substantial amount of new users.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I tried everything to get this to work. No matter what profile I tried it wouldn’t play anything but the default sound. I reset the decoder, tried to install the sound profile multiple times, and none will work but the default profile.

If I install any profile but the default one it just says sound data missing. I’ve given this as much time as I can without going mad, so it’ll be going back.

The system clearly has massive potential and even though I can only play the default sound, the system and the app is excellent. I’ve learned a lot while trying to solve this issue, and even though this particular decoder seems to have a mind of its own, I’m definitely sold on the HM7000 system, and I’ll be installing them in all my new and existing locos.

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Have you unassigned it from its loco, deleted it, then reset and relinked to it.

I have had a loco go unresponsive and a reset fixed it. Same goes for duff reloads, although for it to reject any reload suggests a problem.

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I have done all of that multiple times.

I’m positive that this isn’t a hardware issue as it would either play all sounds or no sounds, but as it will only play the default sound, this has to be a software issue.

It could be an issue with the Merchant Navy sound pack itself, but then others would be having the same issue.

Hornby advised me to reset and relink, and if it still didn’t work, contact them for a return.

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Some of the test team have loaded MN without problems so I guess the profile is OK.

General consensus is that there is data loss during the OTA process rather than at internet retrieval, so double error is being tried but this adds time to the procedure, however if that is what is found necessary then so be it. Flaky and quick or slower but rock solid. After all once you have installed a decoder in a loco and loaded its profile you likely won’t be doing that again any time soon until the next loco. All this chopping and changing is due to the novelty.

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I was determined not to let this beat me, so I took my Elite out of the loft, a DDC power track connector and a length of rail and took it to my bedroom so that I could place it on my desk and at least try and work on it from the comfort of my room.

Loaded up a P2 profile, and it worked, which it has never done (successfully) before. So I tried the MN profile and it worked. Now it’s all running fine.

The only thing I did differently than the hundred other attempts was trying it in my room instead of the loft, and two lengths of track rather than my oval in the loft.

Is it possible my loft is acting like some cheap faraday cage that’s interfering with the process?

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Initially I thought as long as I have a way to finally upload sound data packs, it doesn’t matter what the issue was. Now I’m worried whatever the issue up there is it may interfere with the actual running of the locos.

I’ll only really know the answer to that when I get my baseboards down and a proper layout in place.

My router is right below where my temporary layout is, so I don’t think it’s a wifi issue.

My loft is covered in rigid insulation which has an aluminium skin, then all the joins are sealed with aluminium foil tape. It never really occurred to me it might be causing an issue, but I’m betting that’s what it is.

It doesn’t really explain why it would upload the default sound data with no issue, and all the others failed.

I think I’m just going to approach it as, one problem at a time. My issue with the sound data profile is solved, and whatever issue pops up next, I’ll deal with that as it comes.

Many thanks to everyone who chimed in. It is nice having other voices present when a frustrating issue gets the better of me.

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Edit: shortened:

If there is a Faraday cage you are inside it along with the Bluetooth hardware. The Bluetooth wavelength is around 125mm, much shorter than the size of your loft. There should be negligible interference. All should be good.

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I have YouTube streaming on my phone while I’m up working in the loft. Music or comedy sketches, it never cuts out and it’s always three bars, so as I said I don’t think it’s a wifi issue. I also have Bluetooth headphones that I wear up there and have no dropout or interference.

It could ultimately have nothing to do with the loft and my last reset cured the gremlins and it finally uploaded. A way to test would be to take it back up in the loft, try to upload a sound pack and see if it fails. If it does, bring it back down and see if it uploads. Then it would prove that the loft, or something up there, is the cause of the problem.

dBerriff, I will say that running my Merchant Navy on the default sound profile, everything ran very smoothly. All the sounds were instant and the controls were nice and responsive.

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It is just a thought your loft eves are not insulated with solid Celotex, like I have just had to do with my extension I am building. If so the Celotex is foil backed, so you could get a Faraday cage. There is also some other insulation that is foil based that could do the same.

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I agree Colin. I never gave it any thought because when I started my loft, we were just using conventional DCC decoders that communicated via the track. Now we are onto Bluetooth decoders, it may be an issue to some.

With so many variables possible it could be any number of things. I’m sure I’ll get a lightbulb moment one day when I progress further with converting the loft.

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The Wi-Fi to your device is proven, if the device and the decoder are inside a Faraday Cage it would make no difference. Actually making an effective Faraday Cage to resist either WiFi, Bluetooth or mobile phone communications is a lot harder than just some foil backed insulation.

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Current theory about these failures to load, is loss of data between the internet download of the file from the server onto the app and the app loading that OTA onto the decoder. Double error checking is being talked about, but that will slow down the loading time.

I wonder if the foil lining rather than acting as a Faraday cage is reflecting the OTA signal and corrupting it enough to cause the failure flag.

No matter, if you have found a solid method then stick with it. At days end once the novelty of trying different profiles wears off, it will be load the chosen profile onto a new decoder and it will likely be there for ever.

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As a balance my Train Room also has those radio noisy Powerline adapters to get my internet across. The PC is just under my work bench and I also use remote control mains switches to avoid crawling around on the floor every time I want to power up the train kit.

It must be the noisiest RF environment for miles but I can still fairly reliably load sound files on the main layout. Sometimes it works fine, other times I have to jump through the same hoops' others have posted about. Why - I have no idea.

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