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Hornby Reward points update!


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How do the Hornby points update in your account? It says pending points are applied 21 days after goods have been delivered. I have a number of points “pending” but as my last purchases were back in February and it’s now 23rd March, so now well over 21 days, surely they should now be available to use?

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Can only speak from my own experience, but it seems to be a bit random when they update, and by how much. Mine were also longer than 21 days, then I had my points change seemingly randomly by several thousand points over several days.

If you have discrepancies in your rewards points, I’d suggest contacting Hornby with the order numbers of the orders that are still pending but have been so longer than 21 days. It could take Hornby weeks to respond, but they do respond most of the time.

This will most likely resolve itself at some point, the Rewards Points system is still new and teething problems are expected. Keep checking the website, your points may not change in one big chunk.

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Hello Peter

Your post motivated me to look at my points. I ordered Tiger within 15 minutes of Range Launch and have received it about the third week in February. My points were accurately credited and are available to "spend".

It is extremely likely that Hornby run an update utility on the database, as I cannot believe it is done manually. It runs at an unknown update frequency. A periodic reconciliation. Like DRC says, it appears a bit random, so we can see that it is not every day. Give this a few days and check back.

If not mistaken, you are the fellow who was also waiting on his membership kit. I do hope that you were able to confirm your membership as suggested. Fingers crossed that has been resolved.

If I may, here is a bit of completely unsolicited old man advice, and who doesn't just adore that!!! This hobby runs a bit slowly, and Hornby epitomizes that statement. Their heart is in the right place, undoubtedly so. Your situation(s) will be sorted. Patience!! End of unsolicited advice. Please disregard at your whim!! Thanks!


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Hiya Bee… nope, not me waiting for memb kit. Got that ages ago as I joined the TT club almost in the same week it was launched. I’ve also had plenty of points credited (just shows I’ve spent a fortune already, lol) and used many too! I currently have a healthy-ish points tally available but I was waiting for the pending points to be added before starting another spending spree! I’m now on holiday for a week and out of the UK so I’ll wait til I get back and if they’re still not in my account, I’ll give customer services a ring!

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Has anyone else seen this problem please. My Hobby points available on my account says 5566 worth £56.66, but when I go to checkout an order and wish to use the Hobby Points It advises I have 5566 points which will reduce my order by £42.22 - which is £14.44 less than it should be! That;s a lot to lose.

Have notified Hornby but no replay (or fix) yet

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