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HM7000 sound profile not loading

GWR 77

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I have just install a 21 pin HM7000 decoder in a bachmann 3F

then try to load the sound profile for the 4F being the closest

going through all the required steps, the came back with sound profile not load

I could not see where I have gone wrong so try reload to no aval

try resetting to factory setting and reinstalling to come up with the same out come

I have try 4 time to achieve the same result

can any point me to where I am going wrong

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You aren’t the first to have troubles, many of the recent threads report people making multiple attempts before success.

All I can suggest is to make sure you have a suitable power supply to the track, DCC or straight DC not via a PWM output DC controller. Then have your iPhone/iPad quite close to the loco. And finally pick a time of day not likely to be high usage by others.

Let us know how you go.

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Folk have reported possible workarounds…

Try loading the function list and CVs first before loading the sound profile.

Another option is that the flag is a false alert and closing the app and restarting clears it.

The only way to see if the profile has loaded correctly is to swap from say steam to diesel or vice-versa as a proof of pudding exercise.

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@Kev C - I have produced that exact error code when I was seeking the Bluetooth proximity limit of successful profile installation (in my case 15ft).

Have you ensured the standard things?: device & decoder in close enough proximity; strong WiFi/internet connection; clean pickups/wheels/track.

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I tried on my DCC layout instead of my programme track and it showed it loaded the profile but still has under Manage device a Sound Data missing warning .

Also when I look to read the decoder via my NCE Powercab it cannot read the decoder . Could this be a faulty decoder ?

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Interesting to see this thread, and hear that other have had similar issues. I have the same problem. I was able to scan and add the decoder in the app with no issues. But there is no response to any of the functions in the app, and the loco doesn't move.

I've reloaded the sound profile several times (takes about 20 mins each time). I've reset the decoder three times, and if I ignore the app initially and just put the loco on my programming track, it can't read any of the CVs, or even recognise a loco/decoder on there.

I got mine from Amazon, so at least the return process is straightforward. It's a shame, as I was hoping this would be something novel that Hornby would do well and give them an edge.

For now I think I'll stick with plain old DCC!

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The test team are aware of loading problems by some folk and are working to recreate the problem reliably so that a fix can be found. Some profiles seem to be more prone than others but the default profile SD999 should load every time.

I had the same problems recently and it was a combination of very poor WiFi initially causing download problems from the server, then a faulty loco. Reverting to loading the profile with the decoder in my trusty test rig resolved the problem.

Things that help:

Un-assign the decoder from your loco, unlink and delete the decoder from the app.

Rescan and relink the decoder and try again.

Make sure you follow the power cycle instructions, power cycling it more than once doesn’t do any harm.

Try a different profile.

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Just to add.

Purely based upon my observations from reading many posts on this forum for which I have no personal experience. It seems to me that many posters that don't have sound file loading issues are members that are predominately using pure DC or in some cases DCC track power. It seems to me that a lot of the ones who have issues are using DC Analogue controller outputs for power. I may be wrong, but this is the impression I get from reading posts.

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A quick update George from Hornby contacted me and suggested that I use my DCC NCE Powercab to provided the power from my layout .1-Perform a power cycle then download the Class 08 profile . Power cycle and try and it worked.

But when I tried to install the Class 73 profile although it showed it had loaded correctly I could not get sound or control the loco .

I then tried power cycle and install the 08 profile again and although it loaded fine again no sound or control .

I have e-mailed George with my findings and await his reply.

its a shame as in theory this could be an excellent system.

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Just to add to the failures' list:

I had a working decoder until I decided to link it to BT. After the pairing and having started the app, all update requests popped up which I agreed to in good faith. After the time-consuming update ( SPIROM taking 13mins ) I got the 'sound file warning' and the decoder was bricked for DCC operation, BT comms worked, you could read and change CVs for instance, but of course neither sound nor movement. All the reset/unlinking procedures were carried out to no avail. Very annoying indeed, I shelved it because of the red tape involved for a repair shipment it's not worthwhile. I hope for a firmware fix in the near future. Decades ago, being one of the first to buy a Zero-One which went bust after a short time due to firmware issues (sic!), I had that sort of hassle because the EU did not exist then and the red tape was the same. I ended up with paying import dues twice after repair.

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Isn't this thread exactly the same issue as "Installing sound apps HM7000", basically a download issue. More importantly the App not informing the user that the the data has loaded correctly or likewise failed. When I first got my HM7000 unbeknown to me via QR Code I had linked to the wrong App but whilst I was trying desperately to get it to work I decided to reprogram the device. It was a menu on the App as I now know as the HM DC one. According to the messages it programmed it correctly, but obviously it didn't because it was the completely wrong hardware. So I suspect the new installation (I have Android so I cannot try it) just pumps the data down with very little or no error correction. So if you are lucky it programs, if someone near you is downloading a movie you have issues.

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I can load profiles and everything happens as it should but can only get back and forth movement and brake/stop and nothing else works, can't alter acc/deceleration and none of the sound functions work tried the default and Flying Scotsman steam profiles both the same. NO SOUND!

ps the speaker is plugged correctly into the decoder and green tick on sound enabled decoder

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Also had issues with loading sound profiles. This works for me.

Install Locomotive Profile, but don't power cycle.
Import Running Profile and power cycle.
Import Function Map



This function map is one you have previously exported - say a custom modified listing for a Bachmann or other loco.

The Function map and running profile is the bespoke one for the sound profile chosen. There is no stand alone Running Profile.



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I have the same problems downloading the Class 66 sound file.

Tried 5 times, before giving up and installing the Class 56 file instead, which loaded up first time.

It seems to me that some of the files are easier to load than others…..why this is the case, I’ve no idea

Can one of the Hornby team comment?

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At the moment some profiles seem to load better than others. The whole download scenario is being looked at with a view to introducing additional error checking to ensure a complete file has been downloaded from the ser er.

In the meantime folk are suggesting various workarounds, which may or may not work for any user and/or any particular profile. The best guarantee is a rock solid internet connection.

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I have loaded most of the available profiles onto 8 and 21 pin decoders, some without any problem and some played up like a naughty child. Persistence in following the script (or reported workarounds) for several installs have given success eventually.

A good test is the Class 08 as it is the smallest file and takes less time hence less chance of a data miss on download, or revert to SD999 the default load which should be bombproof by now.

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