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Who remembers Polly from 1960s?


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Bee, a bit of fun! Here is another Nellie from my collection (central loco) with a replacement cast funnel and steps to replace missing ones from when I got it in a box of junk, next to an original version. I should have given it a different name! Only putting them together made me notice they are quite different shades of blue.

On the left is something different, a green ‘27’ that I sold on eBay and the Post Office managed to smash up during delivery. I have glued the body back together, less one set of steps that are missing and done some alterations along the lines of one of the Garstang & Knott End locos to match my model of the 2-6-0 tank ‘Blackpool’ if it ever gets finished. I have based it very loosely on Knott End, the only 0-6-0 side tank the railway had. I have filed the safety valves off the dome, added a new set, removed the Peckett type flange around the smoke box and added an ejector pipe that all the G&KER locos had. I based this on that of ‘Blackpool’ only to later see that most of the other locos on the railway have a straight one that followed the boiler rather than the double bend, still as in reality they never had a ‘Nellie” it doesn’t matter. Very much a work in progress as and when I get time to work on it.

The real reason for doing this body is to try the lining I will need for ‘Blackpool’ and check that it looks OK against the maroon I intend to use. The actual shade of the locos hasn’t been recorded and they probably ended up black when taken over by the LMS.

Most of the locos had their name stencilled on in yellow, shaded blue but Knott End and Blackpool had name plates.

There is a saddle tank loco on display outside a holiday park in the area painted in pseudo G&KER livery but it was never actually used on the line. The locos were known as ‘The Pilling Pig’ due to the high pitched whistle they had.

There were plans to open a narrow gauge line from the Knott End end of the railway but I’ve not seen anything about it for some time.


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Hello Rana

Heavens! Just how many do you have? From this seat in the peanut gallery, it appears that the answer is "not enough" 😁

Surely you have an older controller that can pump serious amperage. And you need not run them flat out, reducing the draw. The peanut gallery would like to see you run 12, simultaneously!!

I do understand completely about trying a sample paint livery on a loco you do not care so much about. Practice makes perfect. Good luck!


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Here is a 'real' Nellie, at least the front end looks like one;


And here is a post with the saddle tank it was converted from;


Also on this link is a picture of the real King George V as modelled by Hornby.

Peckett's delivered three of these locos to the Workington Iron & Steel Company, two saddle tanks and a side tank with very unusually for the UK inside cylinders. This one was converted from a saddle to side tanks at some point in it's life. The saddle tank is a Peckett Class Y, a great opportunity for someone with a 3D printer to create a body for an RTR chassis. A drawing must exist as someone has built one on the RM Web.

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