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Flying Scotsman Missing pipework x 2


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Hi all i have purchased for my new setup 2 flying scotsman models costing £750 in 00 the era 11 and the Alan pegler both come with instructions showing 2 types of drain cocks or as i call them vale gear for you to choose from old style and new (not sure of the correct name) anyway both accessory bags were missing them so hornby sent me a new bag but they are missing from that as well is anyone else having this issue ? i would really like to add them to my models as i was lucky enough to ride on the footplate 2 weeks ago and realllly want the model to be correct - i have reported this again and again to hornby but seem no be getting no where fast - can anyone help


Dan ( new guy :) )


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Hi Daniel, the draincocks, or drain pipes should be included in the correct detail bag.

The single blast pipe / chimney one is less 'substantial' than the developed double chimney one, as you rightly say.

There should be a few 'detail packs' available on Ebay / other suppliers, but Hornby should replace these with the correct bags.

You spent a lot of money, and Hornby should 'put you right'.

TBH, I'm not aware of any A3 / A4 packs which didn't contain the drain pipes - started some perhaps 15 years ago when the retooled, super detail models came out.

Nice that they have corrected them on the double chimney version - I used to use trimmed A4 ones.


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Under the assumption you want to keep them

You could get the pipes off a similar model. Flying Scotsman has been in production for quite some time. Get a damaged FS and move the pipework over.

You could make some. Our hobby is more than just purchasing a locomotive and turning it on. Get busy modeling! The satisfaction of making your own will be very rewarding, I promise you. Copper wire is the way to go.

Accept that your FS will never have pipework. The lads at the engineworks had a bad day and forgot to install them. Drunken lot that they are 😉

Tell Hornby that you expect some material compensation for their errant practices.

Under the assumption that you find this unacceptable

Simply return them. Hornby have admitted fault. You will not have the FS you wanted. Maybe another day or another model.


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Those draincocks, correct in form, are different from any other ones that Hornby has.

I have used A4 ones and trimmed them back in the past.

It may be possible there are other aftermarket suppliers, like 247 Developments, who can provide these in brass / bronze.


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With Hornby saying they are unable to help you, you seem to have 4 options:-

1) to keep the loco and ask Hornby either to keep a note of your request so they can send you the correct accessory bag when they next make a loco that has that style of drain cock pipes (which could be some time), or as Al mentioned above, to send you pack X9332 which is a very similar style (for the A4) and was shown as still available on Hornby's last spares list,

2) if even pack X9332 can not be obtained from either Hornby or their spares retailers, to see if you can source any others that could be adapted,

3) to fashion the pipework out of suitable gauge copper wire, or

4) to return it to the seller for a refund if you feel sufficiently strongly about the problem.

Note: 2) and 3) assume your layout has sufficiently large radius curves and pointwork to avoid the longer pipes fouling the bogie wheels (Hornby may intend them to be fitted only for display purposes).

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The opinion I get with HD models is Hornby seem to think they are for collectors and are not so careful with them. Most of the retailers don't test them because they think the same. Does the detail pack that comes with Lemberg not have them? If it does them ask for one of those.

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