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Dcc sound loco not moving


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As the sounds are still working, then that proves that power from the track is reaching the decoder and the controller is communicating with the decoder if you can use it to control sounds. So either the motor control H bridge circuit within the decoder has failed, the motor has failed or the wiring between the decoder and the motor is faulty.

Loco body off diagnostics with a Multimeter is needed. If you still have the 'blanking plate' then you can use that to substitute the decoder and test on DC. If it works on DC, then that proves the decoder is faulty. If it is still dead with the 'blanking plate' fitted, then the motor and wiring needs checking.

Haven't got a Multimeter.....then get one.....it is a critical piece of test gear needed by anybody engaged in an electrically based hobby.

Although unlikely, just to eliminate any possible doubt, look in your DCC Controller manual for an option to perform a controller 'factory reset' just in case there is a software glitch in the controller. You can also optionally factory reset the decoder for the same reason by writing 8 to CV8 if it is a Hornby decoder. Note that factory resetting the decoder will reset all CVs and revert the DCC Address to 03, thus I would treat that as a 'last resort' task of desperation.

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You don't say what loco it is. If it is a loco with a tender with the DCC decoder in the tender then check the 4 pin connector that connects loco to tender. It might not be pressed fully home or possibly one of the two centre wires has fell off. If not that, then it might be one of the motor wires has fell off or worse still the motor has failed. Generally in my experience if there is anything wrong with the decoder the sound is the first to go, so I suspect your decoder is still working properly.

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May be a long shot given your posting history and previous problem with a TTS loco not moving properly but - Doesn’t happen to be one of the new HM7000 decoders does it?

If so, go to the HM | DCC forum and look at the advice for the multiple instances of this problem in various recent topics.

Or is it that same TTS-fitted loco you had problems with before? It would be really usefully if you told us what loco, which decoder is fitted and if you are still using the Elite to control it?

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