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Decoder ''failure'' query

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I’ve read this thread about a certain YouTube influencer and don’t want to comment on that BUT I too am having issues with the next 18 decoder. It was installed into a new tt120 Blink Bonny. It worked fine for a few days and suddenly stopped functioning. I’m using Hornsby tt120 track fitted with the Hornby 15V-4A transformer, correctly fitted Hornby turnout clips and I’ve downloaded the correct HM-DCC app. Is there an issue with these decoders? I’d appreciate your opinions/advice!

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I haven’t had any issues with the decoders, I have with a loco fitted with the N18 BT decoder but that’s in hand. Have you checked that you have Bluetooth connectivity between the loco and app? The Bluetooth symbol should be blue. Make sure to tap the ‘resume control’ bar too. Exactly what is not functioning? I know some bits through experience now but there are some talented experts available here too 😁

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@edward - First step is identifying exactly what has gone wrong.

• Check the various suggestions from Rallymatt to check the decoder to app communication. (If no communication delete decoder from app - you will need to click delete 3 times & then choose force delete. Once deleted follow the procedure for scanning/linking a new decoder.)

• If decoder appears operational, but loco doesn’t move try resetting decoder by going to advanced CV editor and changing CV8 to the value 8 - then choose reset all CVs.

• If resetting decoder makes no difference try reinstalling blanking plate & see if loco will operate with the DC controller that came in set.

• If all above fails, you prove fault is with loco - ring customer care & request to return for repair/replacement.

• If however you prove loco works on DC & fault is with decoder (and can’t be fixed with above methods) - then email:


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Thanks to all who replied to my decoder failure message, particularly ln&sr. I had already tried replacing the blank decoder yesterday to determine the motor runs but that it is the decoder malfunctioning. I tried reinstalling the decoder, changing the cv8 value and then tried to install every steam profile without success. I mostly got sound profile error messages or a profile ROM missing issue (don’t know what that is). I am worried about the quality of the decoders because this is the second decoder installed. The first is already with Hornby Technical team. Could there be an issue with the train somehow “frazzling” the decoders? I guess I’ll now have to return the second decoder to Hornby and await feedback. Thanks once again to those who offered advice.

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Usually if a problem is recurring then it is more likely to be the users set-up of loco or track power system or methodology rather than an actual decoder fault.

Hornby's current warranty policy is to replace any ‘reportedly’ faulty decoder without question for one that is loaded with your sound profile of choice (subject to it being in the available list) and has been bench tested and proven to be working correctly.

It is my personal opinion that a further claim against a pre-tested replacement decoder also being declared duff is unlikely to be handled as benevolently, I.E. Hornby will not simply keep handing out replacements time after time. I would ask for the decoder to be returned for re-testing and if no fault found it would be sent back. If found to have failed from mis-handling the claim should be refused. As stated - my opinion, not formal warranty policy.

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Presumably, as well, the current benevolent policy is in place until the reported fix for installing sound profiles is released. By that point they will have enough evidence from those decoders they have taken back to know how prevalent actual hardware issues are.

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Again, thanks for replies. The second decoder was not a pre tested replacement from Hornby but a second one I bought myself off Amazon. I “am” using a Hornby 9300w transformer (as recommended) and I have used the points clips as recommended. I will send it back for inspection after the bank holiday. I don’t mind if it’s sent back if they can’t find fault but there must be an issue somewhere and I think I’ve followed recommendations for setting up track. I’ve got the Mallard (with sound fitted) on pre-order, but it’s not been delivered yet. Maybe Hornby are holding back on delivering these until they fix whatever is the issue with the decoders?

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The beauty of these decoders is, as stated in the famous manual, that any bugs found in the firmware can be fixed in the lab and that solution sent to the decoder automatically over the air through the app. The app will flag up if such an update is available and/or required for any particular decoder variant.

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Edward, I would strongly recommend trying to upload the sound and running profiles again via a stand alone power track with good Wi-Fi signal, do a longer power down on the power cycles. It would also be worth trying first to upload the 08 profiles as these are the smallest and so less prone to any interference during the process. If this is successful go to the correct profile for your loco and do that.

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I too think the best way to upload a sound profile is on a short length of stand-alone test track powered using soldered droppers from a suitable power unit. Ideally, the recommended R7337 unit.

I would also recommend the following steps:

▪️ensure that there are no other locos connected to the App

▪️ensure the HMDCC App is the only app active on your device; close all others.

▪️check you have a good wifi connection (three bars on the wifi icon)

▪️have the iPad/iPhone plugged into its power lead and placed as close to the loco as possible, and make sure everything remains stationary throughout the upload.

▪️Power-Cycle the loco once the screen asks you to.

▪️be patient.

I now have eight decoders successfully up and running with ‘appropriate’ sound profiles on board.

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Maybe they should just release the Android App as a Beta and see if it has the same problems. iOS 15 and iOS 16 have widely reported WiFi and Bluetooth ( and USB ) intermittent disconnection problems.



What do you think the test team are using . . .?

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Hello chaps, I’ve searched for my particular problem but I’m struggling to find it so I thought I’d try on this thread.

I’ve programmed Blink Bonny no problem, Also Falcon. Great fun, I found the whole process really easy and intuitive.

so I thought let’s have a go at downloading the specific A4 profile to Falcon. The process seemed easy enough but I keep getting an error message to check a problem in the diagnostics, here it says I have no sound profile, please try again.

I’ve done this 3 times now following all the sensible hints and tips but I still get the same.

ps I’m sitting with it, on its own, 2” from my iPad with no interference from other apps etc etc.

any ideas?

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There are several suggested methods to ensure a reliable install. Some work for some, some work for others, some folk have loaded lots of profiles with total reliability and some have struggled to load any and still are.

The main points to note are - solid power to the track, solid internet to fetch the files to the app, solid Bluetooth to transfer the files from app to the decoder, close proximity of loco to app device, nothing else running on the app device, interruptions not allowed, sleep not permitted, etc. Loading the profile elements in various orders, power cycling the loco or not at various stages.

It has also been noted that decoders may not be firmly installed in the socket (Next18), dodgy solder connections (8-pin), wrong orientation (21-pin). Power bank installed or not, even though it should be out of circuit when stationary.

Regardless, work continues in attempt to make the profile install a one button press and for it to be bomb-proof.

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I meant that I’d had no problem installing and connecting with both locos whilst they were just using the default. The problem has only occurred when I tried the specific A4 profile for Falcon.

no I haven’t tried the A1 on BB yet as I don’t want to till the A4 is up & running.

RAF I was hoping you might have an alternative suggestion to the ones you’ve listed as I’ve read those before and am following them to a T 😢

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Only so many ways you can skin a cat.

Install sound profile - install running profile - install function map - power cycle or not. Scramble that lot in any order.

Forgot to mention cycle the app, refresh CVs and/or delete and start again.

I had one profile that I have loaded several times (Class 73) which worked fine. I loaded the app on one phone and it was still OK but when I loaded the app on a different phone it asked for a decoder reset and then said the Bluetooth needed updating. Tried to do that and it fell over. Tried everything including reloading other profiles - no joy. Switched it all off in disgust, went back next day and deleted the decoder and started again. Bingo, it asked if I wanted to import the existing profile which I did and all was well. So who knows what the problem was or how it was fixed.

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