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Hornby Support are not that good with these decoders


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ragerage Rant time!!! I have just spent 2 or 3 days in an email conversation with Hornby support about my HM7000-21TXS, and to be honest I think I solved my problems with out any help from support as they didn't seem to appear to know too much about there decoders.

They asked me to confirm the same thing several times and repeated the same question along with directing me to the manufacture of my DCC system to see if it was my system at fault but of coarse it wasn't I think they were just hoping it was so they could past the blame.

If you have a problem with you new TXS decoders can I suggest that in the first instance you try resetting the decoder and starting again just like you would turn a computer on and off it worked for me but they never suggested this.

So I am not impressed with this to say the leastragerage

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I had a HM7000 decoder that wouldn’t link to the app. I got in contact with Hornby and as usual, took all almost two weeks to reply with a standard “have you tried turning it off and on again” reply.

They finally agree to take the decoder back, so I send it off on the 17th, get a call on the 18th to just confirm a few details, and a new decoder arrived on the 20th.

Hornby’s customer service response times are horrendous, but the time it took from receiving my decoder, diagnosing the issue, which was a firmware issue, and getting a replacement out to me was admittedly very impressive. The new decoder even came pre-loaded with the sound profile of the loco it’s going in.

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Yes I would agree with you on that one. Recently on a couple of orders I have had issues and the nice lady in Customer Sales sorted them out. Then we come to Email responses, that really does let them down, which is probably why it takes so long to get through to them sometimes on the phone. I must admit that they have never been that fast with any of my returns, the brand new City of Lichfield returned via Bure Valley (who I bought it off) took over 2 months, then it wasn't really fixed properly. TTS decoders generally about a month, perhaps they are a bit sensitive to HM7000 decoder issues.

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Have to agree with you Colin on why Customer Care couldn’t put queries straight through to George @ HM. It’s a closer to home version of not redirecting to HRMS for RM problems. This time, it’s not a separate contractor but part of Hornby, even if a separate part.

But then, a customer such as Mark must take some responsibility in my view. He is aware enough to post about his problem on here but clearly hadn’t read any of the multiple posts that tell him where to get his answers (sorry Mark) - also see the recent post on RTFM. And then while checking out those posts, there are also the multiple posts where fixes have been discussed and the offical troubleshooting guide with links on where to find it.

How do I know there are multiple posts with the detail - in order to give him my first reply, I had to check the correct HM address format so I did a forum search on hm.customer etc. They came flooding through.

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Replacement decoders are being sent out pre-loaded with a requested sound profile (if available) and after having been proved to be working.

If when you get it there is still a problem, then Hornby knows which end of the chain the problem is at.

If I were George I would have a spreadsheet of returns by user to see where the real problems lie. A pattern will soon build up.

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Not in defence of Hornby Customer Service at all, but I have spoken to them many times, and it is usually the same person I speak to. I think some imagine there is a "call-centre" type group of people fielding calls from customers - it is probably just the one - this is why there can be a long wait when awaiting a reply. The last time I sent something back,I posted it on a Tuesday and it was back with me Friday morning.

From what I have read and heard elsewhere, a vast number of returned TXS decoders have worked perfectly on there return.

One of the problems must be that if you took twenty people off this forum, there would probably be twenty different pieces of kit, with added equipment, operating their railways. The TXS decoder at its initial introduction was designed (rightly or wrongly) for one operating system only, despite what it may have said on the tin.

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While this is certainly not a complaint, as it seems that Hornby (and George Waller in particular) are very busy with HMDCC queries at present, I’d observe that I have four decoders back with them at present for investigation (am I unlucky or clumsy?).

The first was sent back to them on 5th April and I’m still waiting for a verdict on that one. The most recent return was sent last Tuesday.

Not sure what a ‘normal’ turnaround time should be, but I’m in no hurry, I just want to know what’s happened with them and get them back and running locos successfully alongside the four others I have that have been fine.

I’d note that George Waller has been good in keeping me updated by email, confirming receipt of the decoders I’ve sent in, but nothing as yet on what next steps will be.

When any new product is launched, I’m very sure that there are always teething problems as both users and staff get familiar with the product and work out the glitches and workarounds.

This launch is no different, so folks, let’s give Hornby some space to do this effectively.

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@ Pendragonsai

I think this launch may have been slightly irregular, in that the "technicians" had no say in the launch date - the decision was made at the top, with no input from the technicians. So it was almost a case of "we go - ready or not".

I agree there will always be teething problems with a new product.

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I know I give Hornby support a hard time, but I’d like to add that any time I’ve ever had a problem with a Hornby product, they’ve always been fantastic.

They never quibble over a return and give you everything you need to be able to return an item to them, and they’ll even cover the postage costs. All you need is a printer for the label.

It’s really just the time it takes them to reply that I have issue with.

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