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Power Bank Install


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Have searched the TT:120 Forum but have not found an answer to the question of how to install Power Bank to a tender loco.

Some may consider this as unnecessary. I have little experience with command control (DCC) but it did seem worthwhile. I will most likely end up running locos with DCC.

The first install is the NXT18TXS into the TT3005M, Night Hawk.

The PCB is a simple plug in but the profile of the tender leaves me to doubt that the Power Bank can be placed anywhere but underneath the tender weight/base.

Has anyone had to remove (mill out) part of that base to make a cavity?

Welcome your thoughts.

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The information you will find in the forums so far is that you can’t install it. I think Hornby have been giving refunds to anyone who bought it thinking it would fit in TT:120.

And the general consensus is that tender locos have sufficient pickups to ensure there is always continuity to the track, even over Hornby Insulfrog points and crossings, that you won’t need it.

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Thank you Fishmanoz for your insight. As you say, there should be enough pick-ups to clear any electrical gaps.

Though electrical interruptions do occur. That could cause an issue if I decide to run the TT:120 on DCC.

Possibly you were telling me; "Don't panic!"

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