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Hi Matthew thanks for sending link watched it and I purchased a 153 Scotrail highland,arrived this morning and I like it.those rubbishing it on rmweb obviously haven't viewed it for real only a zoomed in picture that is pixilating.I ran it with my realtrack 156 and it looks great they were comparing it to a bachmann 156 which are way overpriced at £350.well done hornby.

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I was so glad when Hornby announced these and I have just received one after a sale down to around £100.

For me, having read the RMWeb thread, I think the RMWeb people are correct in this case. The quality of the printing on this is really quite bad until you are a good 3-4 foot back for my eyes at least. A really clear example is the difference in print quality between the markings on the front vs the side. The front is to Hornby's usual high standard but the side... ...the door markings etc are all very smudged and you can barely make any of them out (I cleaned my glasses thinking it was something on them!) The finish on the doors is also not very good IMO. The general print is slightly better but still not remotely crisp and there is an odd texture too. When compared to the box art / promo shots it's night and day.

The underlying model of the 153 is great with superb rivet detail but this is an expensive railways model at RRP and I would expect this to be on a par with similar offerings. It's such a shame as it could have been so much better. The designers have clearly done their job but have been let down by the QA / printing process. How deco samples were signed off is beyond me. I'm now really debating whether or not to send it back.

I really hope that Hornby decide to make replacement bodyshells.

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