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R1073 Clan Line issue with railmaster

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Good Evening

I recently installed railmaster and a elink to a laptop, I have started to set up my locomotives to the system this evening, but found an issue with my dcc fitted Clan Line from the R1073 Set,

I have previously run the locomotive with a hornby select with no issues, the locomotive runs fine with railmaster, but the speed is either 0 or 1, I have set this up with the loco part number, it gives me the cruise and shunt speed on the set up, but only get off and on, and no graduations inbetween

I have set up my railroad 9f and get the speed steps on the controller and what scale speed it is running at, so I assume the control for Clan Line should be the same

Any help to resolve this would be appreciated



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Just to put a bit more meat on 96RAFs bone.

Go to the top of the Railmaster forum and open the pinned 'RailMaster FAQ Index' sticky thread. Then follow the link for FAQ number 4. FAQ 4 gives step by step 'how to' guidance to resolve this regularly reported issue.

I also suggest you have a read of the other FAQs in this sticky as they contain a wealth of useful info for RM users.

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