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TT8001 Power connecting track shown in advertising with cable - not in shipment


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The TT8001 web page in the show clearly shows the TT8001 with the power cable.

However, when shipped it is missing the cable.

The cable does not exist in the catalogue as a separate item.

Is this a case to be sent to Advertising Standards for false advertising?


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No, nothing to do with Advertising Standards, the cable is to show you how to use it. The product page clearly shows 2 other images of the track and the Whats in the Box section tells of 1 part. The cable is part of the controller.

Edited to delete my previously incorrect reply and tell what is there on the product page.

The R7229 controller clearly comes with integral track power cable.


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It, unfortunately, is not "clearly shown" to include the cable - only one of the three illustrations includes the cable, that of the track section in its packaging in particular shows no cable. Hornby are a little confused.

Does the standard cable with the R7229 controller, hitherto only an 00 item, fit the TT track connector?

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Looking at the product images on the Hornby site, the packet does not have any cable/wire in it and the last of the three images for the product shows just the track section and no cabling. The product description 'Whats Inside' states 1 x Power Track. Therefore, its sold without any cable/wire.

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Flashbang, not correct on this occasion. The cable is part of the controller, permanently attached.

Contact Customer Support to have your controller replaced by one with the cable and it will be on its way in no time flat.

What a lot of unnecessary carry-on about a simple and easily rectified faulty item.

Edit: detail updated as incorrect as originally posted.

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As others have said, the wires are part of the controller. In fact, unlike the DCC controllers, the wires are fixed into the basic DC controller.

To answer your question, again, the two pin plug at the end of the wires fixed to the R7229 controller (the controller which is included in the TT120 bundles and train sets) fits the power track.

The alternative, if you don’t have any wires on your existing controller, is to contact Hornby Customer Care and politely ask if you can swap the power track for the TT8027 power connecting clip. These clips have wires with bare ends that fit the back of controllers from other brands.

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I was enquiring about the TT8001 power track and used the pictures in the web catalogue to identify the components that I was interested in. In the Web calalogue when it shows the the context of the Track packs, it clearly differentiates between the components supplied ( in black) and where it fits in relation to other components (in red). In the case of TT8001 there is no such differentiation.

Furthermore in the TT120 shop there is no mention of an Analogue controller.

In the Train sets in just says Analogue Controller included as part of the set but does not provide a part number.

On the general Hornby shop pages the OO analogue controller R7229 is shown without any cables attached. There is no mention as to whether this is suitable for the TT120 systems.

Life would be much clearer if items were characterised into Common, OO, and TT120 specific parts and if a consistent visual system was used for what is and is not included in any particular part.

The web shop does not list a cable nor controller under the 'recommended for you' list under the TT8001.


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I think that we/Hornby/the website assumes any beginner will buy either a TT120 train set or a bundle or will have old OO kit ; I don’t think it’s fair to say that Hornby are guilty of false advertising, although the website is a little inconsistent as they’ve not updated all the scale-agnostic items to say that they’re suitable for either scale.

What have you bought/got so far and what are you trying to achieve?

If you aren’t intending to use the HM7000 DCC system (though I can recommend that) then the R7229 analogue controller is what is included in the TT train sets and bundles, but is very basic. It can be bought from other retailers as well as Hornby and is good enough to operate a single train at any one time. Its wires connect into the power track that you’ve bought. Others can recommend better controllers if they know what your plan and budget is - larger layouts need better controllers.

(Edited for further clarity)

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I am wanting to put together a 1/76 scale narrow gauge model of IOM stream trains and electric tram.

IOM uses 3' track, which at 1:76 scale => 12 mm track (TT120).

I would love to buy such a set from Hornby. However, their response to my previous enquiries, Hornby says that they neither have nor have plans to produce such a set.

Therefor I am trying to build a track and models by modifying OO tops to match the IOM locos and replacing the running gear with TT versions.

My shopping for components is limited to the web shop. Thus as with other web only suppliers I expect the photographs to be accurate or for there to be a disclaimer that certain parts in the photograph are not included. In the absence of such a disclaimer as with other web suppliers I expect that if it is included in any of the photographs / diagrams in the web shop that the components are included and form part of the web purchase contract.


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Ok, that helps a bit but yours is a very unusual use case for a very new product, where new entrants would normally not need to buy things separately.

We have between us now clarified that the R7229 controller will provide power to your track, as will any other analogue model railway controller. The R7229 is however designed specifically to link to the power track you have bought.

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None of the trains sets are currently available!

nor is a date provided for the 'Eastener' - only that it is available to pre-order.

Ideally I would like a 0-6-0 train set that I can remove the 0-6-0 running gear from and replace the tops with an OO 0-6-0 top.


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The train sets aren’t available but the bundles are. The bundles have been created because the demand for the train sets is so high. The Silver King bundle is very similar to the Easterner set.

An 0-6-0 set is not in the first few phases of the planned range, as set out in the TT brochure, nor is an 0-6-0 loco other than the 08 shunter.

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@Peter I know this is a Hornby forum, but if you're wanting to model 3' narrow gauge IoM then probably the Peco HOm 12mm gauge track would be more appropriate than the Hornby track. HOm is HO scale metre gauge. The sleeper size and spacing will look better for narrow gauge trackwork in OO than using under-scale TT standard gauge track.

Flexible Track, Wooden Sleeper – PECO

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On the general Hornby shop pages the OO analogue controller R7229 is shown without any cables attached. There is no mention as to whether this is suitable for the TT120 systems.



Peter, I see what you mean, I can’t find anything showing the controller with the cable but I can assure you RAF’s photo with a cable on page 1 of this thread is correct. And yes, it’s an R7229, I have one sitting in front of me.

I can also assure you that all of Hornby’s controllers, DC and DCC, are suitable for TT:120 as well as OO.

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Don't feel too bad, as this has caught me out as well!

Every other track system I've used that has a unique power plug at the track end (e.g.: Unitrack, EZ-Track) has included the compatible power lead *with the power connector track*, not requiring you to use one specific transformer with the special plug.

Which is just to say, for anyone not immersed in the Hornby ecosystem, this is very much *not* the "obvious" way of things.

Oh well, that's what soldering irons are for...

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One specific transformer with the special plug?

First, I’m assuming you mean controller not transformer Paul.

And second, you can use any cable you like (with any DC controller), just crimp the Hornby power clips to the cable ends, no soldering required.

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Flashbang, not correct on this occasion. The cable is part of the controller, permanently attached.
Contact Customer Support to have your controller replaced by one with the cable and it will be on its way in no time flat.
What a lot of unnecessary carry-on about a simple and easily rectified faulty item.
Edit: detail updated as incorrect as originally posted.



Sorry, but the OP question was about a TT power track! item TT8001. So please dont tell me I'm wrong!

Where a DC controller has come from? Well its anyones guess but the altered post one before mine on page `1 my explain.

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It’s quite confusing Flashbang, not the least being that the title doesn’t help. However, it’s clear from subsequent discussion that the problem is the connection between the controller and the power track, not the power track itself.

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