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Cannot Connect (12029)

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De-activated Railmaster on desktop running Vista,installed on new laptop running windows 7 and got the message, "Unable to enter resource - 0",followed by "Error connecting to gateway". Anyone running Railmaster on Windows 7?
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As well as downloading the latest version 1.21 from www.powerpos.com/rail-master/railmaster.exe (if railmaster didn't already download automatically) are you sure RailMaster has full administrator rights to your system?

You should ensure that RailMaster

is added to your firewall and has full access. You should also right click on the railmaster.exe file and ensure it runs as admin at all times.

Then you'll probably find that it works fine.

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Another thing ...

Try and use the Help Request system in the About screen to let Hornby support know if you're having problems. They are very good and sort things our pretty sharpish.

If the Help Request doesn't work then I would strongly

suggest that your PCs are blocking RailMaster from linking to the Internet.
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No MissedthePoint,

Type www.powerpos.com/rail-master/railmaster.exe into your web browser and hit return and it'll ask you to open or save the file. Choose "save as" and save it into your c:\program files\railmaster folder. It'll ask you if you

want to overwrite the existing file. Answer yes. On Windows 7 it doesn't make it clear and a line appears at the botton of the browser. You mustn't click save, but the down arrow to the right of it and choose save as then navigate to the c:\program files\railmaster


By the way, you must ensure you are not already running RailMaster or it won't work. It'll say something like access denied or couldn't download. Again, on Windows 7 it's hard to find this as Micro$oft haven't made it obvious.

When you

know you've saved the file successfully, just run RailMaster again and it should say version 1.21 in the about screen and also on a little yellow box over the logo at the bottom of the main screen.

You should also ensure your railmaster.exe file (the

one you just downloaded) has full administrator access to your PC because some Windows versions will automatically mark it as unsafe just because it was downloaded from the Internet. To do this, right click on the railmaster.exe file in your c:\program files\railmaster

folder and set "always run as admin" and ensure that in the security tab you give "full" permissions everywhere.

You should also go into your Windows firewall and ensure RailMaster is listed as an allowed program for both private and public networks

(cross in each box).

Then you should be able to activate and deactivate.

If you still get problems I'd use the Help Request in the program (if you can get that far) or phone/email Hornby.

Hope that helps.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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  • 7 years later...


Excuse me for my bad english !

I have the same problem to activate Railmaster on Windows 10 Pro.

I add entry to my Windows firewall, and i run the program as administrator, but impossible to activate and impossible to send message to the support by the Help Button. Always the Unable to enter resource - 12029 !

When i have install the program the first time, it propose me to download the latest version, and it install it. I suppose that Railmaster can go to Internet if i can download the lasted version ! But i dont't know why i can't activate it.

If somebody can help me !

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The "Unable to enter resource - 12029" error message occurs when RailMaster cannot access the Internet.


You say you added an entry to the 'Windows Firewall' but this is only half the solution. The main reason you see the error message "Unable to enter resource - 12029" is because it is being blocked by your Anti-virus protection application.


Some Anti-virus applications are more aggressive than others. McAfee for example. What Anti-virus application are you using? Are you using Windows 10 Defender only, or are you using a third party application like for example McAfee.


To double check that you have configured your Windows Firewall correctly, see this previous thread and note the Addendum post below the one with the images. Your Anti-virus may have installed its own Firewall as well. Also DO NOT run two different Anti-virus applications at the same time. If you have a third party Anti-virus installed, then Windows 10 Defender must be disabled.




For further reading and guidance. Look at the RailMaster Help Site. The link to the 'RailMaster Help Site' is located in the sticky post with the same name located at the top of the RailMaster forum. Note that to see the embedded 'screen shots' on the 'Help Site' you need to click the image icons that are shown in the main body of the page text.


How To Reply TIP: I write long posts. If you intend to write a reply, it would be appreciated if you didn't use the 'White Arrow in Blue Box' button. This is not a 'Reply to this post button. It is best to write any reply you want to make in the 'Reply Text Box' at the very bottom of the page and click the Green 'Reply' button.

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Thank Chrissaf,

To be sure of having administrator rights, I activated the administrator account of my PC. I then reinstalled version 1.69. I'm going further than before, but it's not good yet. I have the message "Connecting to activation gateway", then "Submitting activation request" with 4 dots and the message "Key was not done correctly." If you have, you may have a problem with your internet connection or railmaster does not have access rights (Administrator) to your hard drive or internet connection.It is the case that I opened my session as Administrator. An idea ?Thank you.


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When you ran the RM installer. Did you 'right click' the file and choose the 'Run as administrator' option?


If you didn't, you will need to find the 'railmaster.exe' file and 'right click' it....then open 'Properties', then choose the 'Run as administrator' option.


The first method above is the preferred method for establishing 'Administrator Rights' for the RailMaster application.

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Bonjour Chrissaf,

Yes i'm confirm that i run with right button "as an administrator".

I do the first method when i run the RM or for the setup and upgrade.

RM's support answered me this morning with the same information you gave me. I replied by putting the screenshot of the error with the file log.txt. I hope they can find a solution to this problem. Should I downgrade my system in Windows 7 to test?

I have only 2 rights each day to make response on forum.


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Your issue is a fundamental issue of your PC configuration and RailMaster. There is no benefit in trying to downgrade your PC from Win 10 to Win 7. Many forum members run their RailMaster installations on a Windows 10 PC without any issues at all, including me.


Before someone else says it. RailMaster does (for some users) run with less issues on Windows XP. That is because RailMaster was originally written using Visual Basic 6 which was primarily a Windows XP application writing system. Both Visual basic 6 AND XP are now both obsolete and unsupported by Microsoft. RailMaster is written by HRMS (Hornby RailMaster Support) previously better known as Invicto Systems Ltd under contract to Hornby Hobbies Ltd. They have basically tweaked the original XP application code to make it run on later Windows versions.


HRMS have the ability with your agreement and assistance (you have to download a small utility under HRMS direction) to remotely log on to your PC and correct your PC configuration errors. It will be something you have or have not done that is causing the issue. As I said previously, RailMaster WILL and DOES work 100% on Windows 10, it just requires a bit of configuration tweaking to get it to do so.


However that said. Although HRMS can remotely fix 99% of bad installations. There is 1% that they cannot fix. This is usually subject to an issue with a particular PC manufacturers hardware. Lenovo PCs for example seem to have more issues than others. And McAfee anti-virus software as well.


Since you are in email contact with HRMS, I strongly urge you to request them to log in remotely to your PC and try and fix the RailMaster installation for you. That will save a lot of time and be a far more efficient process than having sporadic (meaning intermittent) dialogue on the forum.

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