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No particular Hurri... Airfix Hurricane IIB


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"These older Airfix clearly are of their time and not really comparable to modern kits, but their assembly almost always provides me with a pleasurable build" - but there is a fine line between an enjoyable challenge and less-than-enjoyable battle... I tend to the view that if I can stick to Airfix, I will, which sometimes means buying and building an old mould model in order to complete a project. I get what you're saying about rivets being 'of their time' - and a bit of sanding can always smooth things out! Additionally, lack of moulded cockpit detail can fairly easily be rectified with my rudimentary scratch building skills, which of course makes it a positive luxury when I have a new mould build on the bench. But I have to say that gaping holes instead of wheel-wells is something I have to counter!

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