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Part number x6113 tender wiring link length.


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I know this is a trivial subject but perhaps someone can explain the logic to me. This X6113 is the 4 way wire that links the tender to the loco on a modern DCC loco. I convert all my locos with a tender to the latest design with the DCC decoder in the tender so I use a lot of them. Originally when I bought them all 4 wires were the same length. Now normally the distance to the motor is shorter than the distance to the loco pickup wires, so I normally cut the loco leads a bit shorter. Anyway the last batch I received from two different spare suppliers have the two outside wires shorter that the two inside wires. As the two inside wires go to the motor and the two outside go to the pickups, the design is completely about face. Any idea why Hornby would do this, or is it a case that they were the wrong length for production so they are selling them as spares. For me it means having two joins in the lead to make it longer which is not ideal.

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No I haven't, I was just trying to figure out why they would do it. My logic says make the two inner wires shorter. I had one like this that I bought off Lendons about two months ago, but the next one I nought was ok. I just thought it was a bad one. I ordered two from Lendons and they were of the new design and then just to check I ordered two off New Modellers and they were the same. As I say the logic just defeats me, the pickup wires are normally at the front of the loco the motor at the back, so unless the pickup wires are extremely long, it means you have to extend them. I will email Hornby.

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Yes I did get an answer here it is

"In regards to your question this is neither a design change or manufacturing error. However, not every locomotive has longer wires on the outside of the plug, sorry for the inconvenience caused."

So if if they don't have longer outside wires why not make them all the same length and if you are going to change the length you give them a different part number. I think if I remember an A3/A4 has the pickup wires coming out underneath the motor so perhaps that is the difference, although in reality the difference in length is minimal. Either way I fixed it, hopefully the next batch will be the right length.

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I must admit I asked the question because it completely baffled me as to why you would configure it that way. It was annoying as when I do the DCC decoder to tender conversion I try to make it as neat as possible so two joints where there is only a need for one upsets me. There is also the fact that an "inline" joint is normally a point of failure. I will eventually take one of the new A1s I got off TMC cheap, apart to see if the lead is the same in them. Up to now I have only worked on the previous A3/A4 chassis. I suppose I could take the loco completely apart and replace the pickup leads with longer ones.

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Hornby have confirmed that the wire lengths on the last batch ordered were specified to fit a particular locomotive (it may be recalled that a number of general replacement parts re-appeared on the website 'tied' to the flickering firebox A1 rather than meeting a more widespread application) and that the next batch to come through will revert to the previous specification.

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