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Experiences with my HM7000


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I don't know if anyone has posted about this. I finally got my HM7000 to work after getting it back from Hornby. One of the issues I found was the sound was terribly distorted using a basic Hornby power controller. I was on the verge of sending it back when I decided to do the same test on my layout with the DCC controller. Surprise, it worked perfectly so I assume this device needs higher voltages than a cheap Hornby controller from a Pendolino set. I must admit the sound is really good. The other thing I noticed was the time it takes to program the sound into the decoder for my Merchant Navy application it was taking 20 to 25 minutes which seems an awfully long time compared to the reprogramming apps I am used to. It still has the issue of easily loosing the DCC signal, just like TTS but I assume that is why Hornby gave the option of adding a external "stay alive". The other thing is to get it to run on DCC after using it on Bluetooth you must change the configuration on the Settings menu.

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Good to hear you have it working Colin.

With regard to the sound quality, you should have been aware from the many posts on here and the various stickies on the forum, of the need to use a recommended power supply. Also set the sound level to 30% to avoid the possibility of overstressing the speaker.

The load time you quote is normal for these sound files so nothing untoward there.

Like any DCC system they are still susceptible to power interruptions but the power bank, once charged, will take care of that. Two profiles currently charge the PB while the loco is standing on the rails, while all the others charge while the loco is moving - eventually the default will be static charging on all profiles.

And as you have correctly discovered you need to select on the app which method of control you intend to use, DCC or BLE.

Its all in the manual.

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Colin, just to check one thing you said - using a cheap Pendolino set controller?

There are no analog controllers recommended for use with this system. You must power the track with just a recommended PSU connected directly to track, or with a DCC controller, nothing else.

So not surprising things improved with the DCC controller connected. That way it works, the other way it doesn’t.

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The very reason analogue controllers were vetoed in the early days after launch was because they distorted the sound, then it was found spiking could damage the decoder.

I am really surprised with all the publicity on the forums and in the various guides that note was not taken of this.

Swapping from App control to DCC control is a simple button press in the app, no need to fiddle with CVs.

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I know 96RAF I found the DCC option on the menu. As to the power supply I am surprised the one I have isn't recommended, it is 12 volts pwm so generally the input capacitor should smooth it out and it is a Hornby one so I just assumed it would work with their own product. I assume that the output driver required a higher voltage to make it work properly which it gets with DCC and lets face it what is DCC, a pulsed output not dissimilar to pwm. Either way it works but it does raise the point if I have to use my DCC controller to make it work properly why bother with Bluetooth other than to load the profile. I might buy a power bank to see if it works better but the price gets very close to the more established sound decoders. As a matter of interest why does it take so long to program it?

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@Colin - the reason Hornby analogue (trainset) controllers aren’t compatible with HM7000 decoders is nothing to do with voltage - it is because the PWM frequency is too low, which causes the sound distortion. (The HM6000 is compatible - if PWM is set to highest frequency.)

The reason that the sound profile installation takes the length of time it does, is for installation reliability. Originally (when app was first released to iOS only) the profiles installed almost twice as quickly - however several users reported multiple failed installation attempts. Since the reliability improvement (which was included with Android release & made available simultaneously to iOS as an update) - such reports are extremely rare.

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Colin, the real benefits of the new system are the ability to load many different, free sound profiles without the need for specific software or hardware, plus the ability to adjust CVs ‘on the fly’ and a much more user friendly interface.

If you were starting from scratch you would not need to buy a DCC controller at all, Hornby sell a dedicated 15v supply specifically designed for HM7K decoders. This makes starting in DCC very cost effective - around £120 - compare that with the cost of a new Elite and a third party decoder plus soundfile. The fact that you already have a DCC controller is a bonus for you.

All these points have been done to death on various forums that you have contributed to since the system was announced at the start of the year. Now you are up and running, enjoy playing trains.

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The reason I started again is a finally got it to work after the mess ups with the wrong app. Yes you are entirely right if you did your cost analysis with an Elite, but most people don't. I paid about £180 for Digikeijs ok I had to buy a cheap laptop but that is useful for other things (accessing Excel for loco ids). I think there are even cheaper options out there. You can even buy a really cheap option on EBay if you make it yourself, a guy at work actually did that. I still don't see how you would want to keep reprogramming it, I did it 3 times to check that it wasn't the file (once with specified sound, once with default, once with specified sound) and I was amazed how long it took. Generally if you want to reprogram it as another loco it means taking it out and moving it to another loco. Not a good idea. As far as I am concerned the subject is closed.

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  • 1 year later...

I am restarting railway modelling after a long break. The HM7000 system is one of the main reasons. I currently build R/C model aircraft. The increase in regulations around this hobby are making it less interesting for me. I am familiar with Bluetooth operations so HM7000 made it appealing .

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