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Rewinding X series motors : Useful Information

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I presume that's per coil (so 3x per motor). So they increased the wire size a little. Interesting as you say. I guess to increase the current flow and torque a little?

Please amend the topic title to something more representative of the content :)

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When I used to rewind slot car motors, it was lots of thin wire for a tame torquey motor and a few turns of thick wire for a on/off racing tiger. Once rewound they were roughly balanced by drilling dimples in the core laminations, then they were potted with warm Araldite to bomb-proof them and finely balanced on two razor blades by gently filing the thick bits of Araldite. The motor was then spun up on a flat surface to check for vibration to prove the balancing. No high tech kit in those days.

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… the trick was to count the winds and wire gauge coming off and adjust the wind by gauge and turns for the required new characteristic.

After several goes you could log a good performance wind for a particular motor make.

I liked the Mabuchi motors in Monogram cars as they were held together by screws and they had replaceable brushes and springs and if you were handy they could be reworked to run ball races instead of phosphor bronze shaft bushes.

A pity our loco motors are not of such a standard they can be repaired.

Seeing this image (credit internet) reminded me you could also adjust the ‘timing’ to improve running one way, not much good for locos though.


To learn more Google ‘Blueprinting slot car motors’

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Thanks Paul - that is as I thought.

SoT, what browser and platform are you using?

Before anyone suggests this topic is moved to the website feedback section I would just remind folk that Mods. cannot do that without losing the ID of the OP. Once this issue is resolved I will remove all related posts and put an explanation on the relevant forum thread.

If any other user finds they cannot edit their post titles [try the originating post as well as subsequent posts] please post browser and platform in the thread I will start over on Forum & Website Feedback.


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There was an interesting article in one of the Model Railway Magazines a long time ago where a display layout had most locos with home made motors which had all been made to match the particular loco type. There were some photos of impressive haulage on long goods trains but I probably don’t have the magazine any more!

Totally un-railway related but electric guitar pick-ups are made by winding a coil of similar wire around a magnet and there is lots of discussions about how many turns, what gauge of wire, what type of magnet makes the best sound in music magazines and online. The Fender type single coils sound great but are prone to interference. Gibson introduced the humbucker pickup which has two sets of magnets and coils with the second wound the opposite way to cut out the hum, hence the name. Often less clear but more powerful. There is a visually single coil type which has the second set below it to allow the use of Fender type guitars without interference.

There is lots of discussion on the superiority of hand would pick-ups with all sorts of strange gadgets designed to make this simpler. TBH I have tried some and never been able to tell the difference. They sound very good but then so do machine made ones.

My personal preference was for a humbucker type pickup overwound to produce the loudest possible sound known as a super-distortion pushed through several home-made effects boxes into a 1970s or 80s Laney valve stack. Not suitable for home use! Model trains are quieter!

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I have successfully edited the title of a post created almost a month ago (which included replies) so definitely there are no website restrictions.

Edit - you MUST edit the title of the FIRST post for the thread/visible title to change. If you edit the title of any subsequent post, that has no effect on the thread/visible title (it only alters the title of that post - which is only visible on the edit screen!)

It is sensible that thread/visible title is only affected by first post - considering that ALL posts’ titles are editable, irrespective of who created the thread!

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When a mod amends a title we had to overcome a bug early days of this forum, whereby if you just altered the title it could bin the whole thread when you tried to save it. We soon found out that if after amending the title you entered the body of text and just inserted a space or full stop that was enough to be able to safely save the whole thing.

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SoT, looks like your combination of platform/ browser is working correctly elsewhere. Can I just check, do you not have the ellipsis, [see image] or you do have it but not with an edit function? Do you have access to another device? R-


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