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Locomotive not running well on track

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All the lubrication will have dried out so it should be given a service, clean off old oil and grease and lubricate very sparingly per the maintenance sheet if you have one, else generic lubrication using common sense.

A tiny drop on the motor bearing, axle bearings, valve gear and motion linkage pivots, rolling stock and tender axles, etc.

Note to use the correct lubricants, not household oil like 3-in-1 or WD-40, etc. Special model lubricants or sewing machine or clock oil are ideal, but do not overdo it. Too much is as bad as none at all.

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Probably the wheels have oxide on them, give them a clean with alcohol/ink rubber/cotton wool bud and see if it runs any better. Long term give the loco a service but generally in most of my cases it is the wheels. From a quick web search (Sam did a review on it) it is relatively new loco, I can't remember what mechanism Hornby implemented for the pickups. On a lot of the older locos the pickup connection relies on two press fit connections on the pickup plate, sometimes the oil runs down and gets into these connections giving a very poor connection. Try the wheels first.

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