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Correct Colour For Hornby R54


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The problem with Hornby Models made at the time your model was is that they were seldom a good match to the real loco. Although the lettering points to SR Olive green you will find that it is a different shade. I had one with a scratch on the cylinders and ended up replacing the cylinders (spares do come up from time to time on eBay).

You could get some green paints and try to match but I wonder if you would be better trying to replicate the tape by off scanning the side of the tender (to get the right shade of green) and cropping the image using windows paint to make a strip the right size for the cylinders and add the lining. You could then print the image it onto some self adhesive paper.

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Personally I wouldn't pay a tenner for the cylinder block on Ebay. There are no photos of the sides of the cylinders so who knows what condition they are in.

Furthermore the tape decoration on these locos always tends to peel off with age. I have a SR Sir Dinadan and a GWR Albert Hall to which this has happened.

I would have a go at repainting. Paint the whole cylinder block green, then mask off the centre section and paint the edges white.

You can buy 15 ml bottles of Humbrol/Roots paint for only £1.79 (plus p and p) so maybe try two or three different shades and if necessary mix them to get the colour you want. There is a "Maunsell Green" (Maunsell was CME of the Southern Railway so that might be a possibility).

If the shade is too light you can always make it a little darker by adding a small amount of black.

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