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How to add the Hornby HST 125 with HM7000

Mark 3

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I assume you put one on the track and program it with bluetooth, then take it off put the other one on and do the same. You might be able to the two together, but I suspect doing them separate is safer. I imagine you are going to program them with sound so doing them separate sounds safer.

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For a start let's get the terminology correct, then we can talk to the correct bits of the system.

The decoders are HM7000 series -8TXS, -21TXS, -N18TXS, etc.

The app system is HM | DCC.

The question you have asked is how do I connect 2 TXS decoders to the app system to run as one.

Short answer is you can't in the app.

Why - because in the app each TXS decoder has a unique MAC address that cannot be changed and you cannot link two MAC addresses to run as one at present.

Now in DCC mode you can give each decoder its own or the same DCC address and you can run them as one loco or as individuals in a double header.

As for what Colin said, you don't need to take locos on and off track to program them, it is all done over the air (OTA) by Bluetooth from the app.

Your decoders if shop bought will come with an A1/A3 steam sound as default so you will have to use the app to load the correct HST sound profile to them (Valenta or MTU). This also is done OTA and the app only allows you to do one at a time.

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The reason I suggested doing them one at a time if your are going to reprogram them then generally the target replies that it got the data. I must admit I don't know if Hornby do that but most apps do, so if you did the two together it could fail because the first one replies it is programmed whereas the second one has not. Now if Hornby don't bother with any of that then you could do the two together which is what I said. I said to be safer do them separately. On DCC you can program the two together but if one is not making contact you would never know except that it doesn't work. So as I originally said it is safer to do them separately on DCC and Bluetooth.

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Colin your reply makes no sense as a reply to RAF’s post.

If you are referring to programming decoders with a DCC controller, then that is irrelevant to loading sound profiles to HM7k decoders - which can only be done through the app via Bluetooth.

Alternatively if you are speculating about how the app should/shouldn’t be used to upload multiple profiles to multiple decoders - then please don’t!

The app only allows a single profile to be uploaded to a single decoder - alternative speculations would be inaccurate and misleading.

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Here we go again, I was comparing programming two locos on DCC with doing it on Bluetooth, I am sorry if you can't understand that. So basically if you try to program two locos on the same piece of track whether it be DCC or Bluetooth if one of those locos is not connecting with the track properly you could program one and not the other. You would get a success message because you had programed one but not the other. Can you please read my post again with that view. I also said that you could do the two together but it was safer to them one at a time. As to my assumption I did say I didn't know how Hornby did it it, but again you missed that. I assume the person understands that which you obviously don't.

Of course I forgot to add on DCC you can only program CVs whereas with Bluetooth you can program the whole software but the principle is exactly the same only difference is on DCC the track provides both the data and power, on Bluetooth it provides the power. If you want to do both at a time you can, as I also said you can, personally I wouldn't but perhaps you guys do. As you guys do the testing have you tried it?

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…I was comparing programming two locos on DCC with doing it on Bluetooth…



As I said, please don’t do this, you apparently haven’t troubled yourself with learning how the app actually works - therefore your comparisons are inaccurate & misleading, which is obviously unhelpful to the person you are trying to help!



…if you try to program two locos on the same piece of track whether it be DCC or Bluetooth if one of those locos is not connecting with the track properly you could program one and not the other…



However in the app, (unlike some basic DCC controllers) you know which loco has connected and which hasn’t & therefore you know which you are programming!



…I also said that you could do the two together but it was safer to them one at a time…



This is exactly what I’m taking issue with, it isn’t possible to do the two together in the app - you are mistakenly comparing something that is possible on DCC, but impossible in app!



As to my assumption I did say I didn't know how Hornby did it it, but again you missed that. I assume the person understands that which you obviously don't.



You admit to knowingly making assumptions, I was taught on my first day in my first job - beware of making assumptions, they make an a.s.s. out of u & me. It is a pity you apparently were never given this useful advice!



Of course I forgot to add on DCC you can only program CVs whereas with Bluetooth you can program the whole software…



Finally a statement that is actually accurate! 👍



…only difference is on DCC the track provides both the data and power, on Bluetooth it provides the power…



Another accurate statement! 👍



If you want to do both at a time you can, as I also said you can…



As previously mentioned you can only programme a single HM7000 decoder (in the app) at a time - not multiple simultaneously. Also you can only control/programme a single HM7000 decoder either by app or by DCC - not both simultaneously! (though why anyone would want to even attempt to do that is beyond me!)



As you guys do the testing have you tried it?



If you are referring to programming multiple decoders through app - this isn’t technically possible/available. (if you actually manage to leave the profile loading screen for a decoder - Hornby deliberately try to prevent this happening - the profile load will fail.)

If you are referring to sending programming instructions from both DCC & app simultaneously - no I personally don’t possess enough brains or hands to even attempt such lunacy, I simply choose to believe the devs who say it isn’t available or possible.

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As LT says when programming in the app the commands are being sent only to that decoder OTA and the screens are locked until that process is finished. Bomb out of the screen and you bomb the decoder installation.

Think of it as programming on the main where you send commands only to a specific decoder, not as general service programming where a broadcast command is sent to anything and everything on the programming track.

I can see what Colin is trying to get across that programming CVs in both power and dummy cars at the same time is possible, sometimes it is better to do them separately.

It is important to recognise, again as pointed out earlier, that the app can program both decoder firmware and CVs, whereas in DCC mode a controller can only program CVs unless you have special kit like an ESU Lokprogrammer or Zimo sound programmer.

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Actually Daedalus I do but I must admit not for this, mine is basically for CAN over vehicle networks where each module has a unique id. So I suppose in this case they are using the unique bluetooth id or one they download to the device.

Yes I see now how you can do it accept my apologies I got it wrong. It is effectively working like a script doing one after the other using the unique id to identify which one to program.

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  • 10 months later...

Just wondering re twinning decoders.

Would it be feasible to load each car as an individual, then " consist " them, setting one in "reverse" in the consist settings.

By then selecting the appropriate consist number, would what we want, happen?

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Be aware that the App does not at present support consists. It is something being worked on, (apparently). You could though do it in DCC mode but you wouldn't be able to use the App for general running.

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