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Thoughts on bundle discounts.


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Here is a thought I notice that when Hornby sell a loco with sound fitted, the difference between the non sound and is about £40 to £50, perhaps as a marketing feature they could do the same when selling a new loco. So sell you a HM7000 at a discount price. It might up the sales of HM7000.

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The recent KC3 with sound is a good example. Factory fit sound Railroad loco at a reasonable price, take away the price of the decoder and the loco is a real bargain, so there is obviously a decent margin as Colin says to offer a discount bundle price if you order a loco and a decoder at the same time. I will mention it to Hornby Towers on Friday at our monthly chin-wag if the old memory doesn’t mislay it between now and then.

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For TT, a good start would be to offer the enhanced points/discount if bought together. For TT models, the HM7000-factory-fitted premium is £55/decoder.

It seems somewhat perverse that the main club members can get enhanced points on decoders with their models, but the TT club members can't.

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Can you mention at your Friday trip to the Tower that the HO range is still looking neglected in the HM7000 scheme of things. Plenty of adverts for it through the Electrotren (and probably other) FB pages and on the sections of this website but no sound yet for my eight ALCos!

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Back to Colin's original point - I would like to see discounts for bulk purchases say three decoders for £150. After all Hattons used to sell six-packs of standard decoders for less than £100.

Maybe a discount for combining the purchase of a decoder with a power Bank?

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Can you mention at your Friday trip to the Tower that the HO range is still looking neglected in the HM7000 scheme of things. Plenty of adverts for it through the Electrotren (and probably other) FB pages and on the sections of this website but no sound yet for my eight ALCos!



Will do.

Edit - they are looking into it, but the answer will be we will add those to the list for future profiles.

I did say it was a tad pointless promoting TXS for International brands without any supporting profiles.

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