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Sound profiles for legacy models


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My first introduction to the new system was with the Class 66 Coronation model and I am very impressed with it. More than anything else, it is making me consider going mainly digital rather than analogue.

However, as far as I can see there could be one limitation with it. To use it, you need to be logged on with Hornby to get a sound profile and so Hornby is really the only place you can get them. With the "conventional" DCC system there is a huge choice of profiles and it is relatively easy to buy/download profiles for the likes of Loksound, Zimo and others. At the moment the choice of profiles is limited. I can understand perhaps if Hornby do not wish to provide profiles for other makes of loco even if fitting a Hornby chip. But does anybody know if Hornby intend producing more sound profiles for their "legacy" models? Looking in my loco roster, thinking along the lines of the Royal Scot, Star, Castle, King, T9, and many of the tank engines. All are DCC ready but no profiles.

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I think it likely that many profiles will be made available as time permits. I should think once all existing wrinkles are sorted out with the system, more attention can be given to providing new profiles. Many of us are awaiting profiles for our best loved locos.

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I think it likely that many profiles will be made available as time permits. I should think once all existing wrinkles are sorted out with the system, more attention can be given to providing new profiles. Many of us are awaiting profiles for our best loved locos.



Thanks BM but would rather have something a little more positive than wishful thinking. ;)

It will take upwards of £1000 to make the upgrade not least initially to get a better controller than the Select I got for testing. If I go the route of HM7000, it makes sense to go the route of the Elite and use a legacy dongle. However, if the profiles are limited, I would probably go the route of NCE Power cab and run any HM7000 on DCC.

I understand he new system is under development and don't expect lots of profiles quickly. I just wondered if anyone had seen anything "official" from Hornby about their intentions for profile.



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At the very outset of HM7K launch Simon Kohler said it was outwith the bounds of possibility for the system protocol to be issued such that other sound providers could generate profiles compatible for loading onto the 7000 TXS decoders. That if indeed is still future policy is still a long way off.

As for operation of the system. It is DCC out of the box to work with any NMRA compliant controller. You only need the app to swap sound profiles and get any decoder updates. If you want to control legacy decoders (non-Bluetooth) the. You need the dongle plugged into an Xpressnet capable controller, Hornby, Lenz, Z21, etc.

The provision of sound profiles for locos not already listed is likely to be on a squeaky wheel priority, I.E. he who protests loudest gets most attention. At present International brands and Americans are crying out for profiles for their locos as well as the outstanding UK locos.

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just wondered if anyone had seen anything "official" from Hornby about their intentions for profile.



Hornby have a two year plan, which has already been published, for sound profile releases. After that is anybody’s guess.

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just wondered if anyone had seen anything "official" from Hornby about their intentions for profile.

Hornby have a two year plan, which has already been published, for sound profile releases. After that is anybody’s guess.



Thanks. That is the sort of thing I'm looking for. Do you have a link to it?



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In case anyone doesn’t understand the ‘stickies’ reference (i.e pinned posts) - https://uk.hornby.com/community/forum/latest-sound-profile-status-367898?ccm_paging_p=1#end-of-replies



Many thanks. I had seen that. Indeed it was what prompted my original post as it's missing so many of the locos I have.



If that is the "2 year plan" and no more planned at the moment for afterwards, I think it makes my decision much easier and that is to "avoid" HM7000.

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@kim - to clarify, those are indeed what have been announced (2yrs referring to 2023 & 24.)

Certainly Hornby will have plans that they have no intention of announcing until they choose - i.e. like Turbomotive, they will obviously be producing profiles for new locos.

For older/legacy models, patience is required. Priorities will naturally change depending on whether Hornby are likely to produce a new run in the future, or how many people are requesting a particular profile (through marketing, social media etc.)

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Add to that a cry for International (EU continental) and American profiles and Hornby sound producers have a lot on their plate.

All very much a case of demand, resource and budget unfortunately.

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There are a few work arounds, you can download a profile that is ‘close’ or that you find acceptable for the sound experience. I’m doing this on TT:120 Piko BR 130, it’s had 3 UK diesel profiles so far, all great and a new one is like getting a new loco 🤣. Another option afforded by the flexibility of HM DCC is using a traditional DCC base station to control locos with the traditional DCC decoders and appropriate sound files, it has a cost implication but they all play together nicely and of course when the legacy dongle arrives, ExPressNet base stations will work directly from the App although sound files on traditional decoders can only be handled in the traditional way.

Just recently a new batch of profiles were released for HM DCC and a plan of future profiles is published, so this is an ongoing project. It’s worth remembering that HM DCC profiles are free and unlimited access, traditional profiles are ££’s and every alteration ££’s so others have been running a lucrative business developing the files and selling them. If in the future ‘paid for profiles’ to cover ones not on HM’s radar become a possibility is probably a very long way off.

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Simon and Carl did say it was not outwith the master plan to allow outside agencies to provide the missing files to load onto these decoders but if and when that happens is far future and will they be free, if not how do these providers make a living from it.

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