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Coronation of His Majesty the King, Class 66, 06523, ‘King Charles III


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Well if people are gullible enough to pay three-and-a-half times the list price for this rather boring loco, more fool them.

I notice that it's only available to club members so this greedy seller must be a club member, or has bought it from a club member.

A steam loco would have been a much nicer tribute to the King.

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I offer £75 - obviously been out of the box a couple of times!!

Agreed - if people are gullible enough to pay that ....

Wouldn't be my 1st Class 66 selection if priority is accuracy and performance.

If solely KC3 related, then ... each to their own I suppose.


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I suppose the thing is have they managed to sell it. One of the YouTubers had a point, saying this model was selected as it had a flat side to put all that text on. It wasn't for me I bought the Coronation Duchess as it was by Hornby's standards really good value for money even if I did have to change the front bogie bolt to stop it derailing.

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There will always be someone trying to make money on what they think is a rare collectable loco. I think there is still a purple West Country Class being advertised on ebay for £1495.00 - it's been on there for ages - no surprise.

Not in defence of Hornby, but the KC3 Class 66 it's not a bad loco at £129.00 - which if you were to remove the 21pin TXS decoder would make it about £60.00 - not many loco's around for that price. I bought one and have added the Power Bank and it runs very well under HM7000 control (iPhone) and sounds like a Class 66 (they pass the bottom of the road all the time heading for the Southampton Container port). It does not have "flat" sides - it's fluted just like the real thing.

The only improvement that needs to be made will be by adding lighting - not a difficult job.


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All the latest sound locos are good value for money, on most you are getting sound for £30 to £40 extra. It is not Hornby's fault people want to make a profit out of their product. The TTS class 66 sound wasn't that bad virtually all my Bachmann class 66s have it, so the HM7000 must be better.

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I’m guessing that these days the ‘limited editions’ actually have a larger production run (and yet still attract more demand) than the regular models - therefore why would Hornby want to get rid of their golden goose?

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It is the sellers to sell and they can ask what they want for something. They will try and get a as much as they can, same as anyone else. Don't see anyone selling their house for example for any less than the max they can get for it.

As most buyers seem to want get something for as little as they can irrespective if someone is able to make a living from it I don’t see how buyers can claim any moral high ground. Mistakenly advertised items for sale and got the decimal point in the wrong place.

The buyers indignation that they aren’t getting a £150 loco for the £15 they thought they were. A simple and obvious mistake but oh no apparently it’s their right to have it for the advertised price, absolute rubbish.

I generally find when it comes to money very few people’s principles ever extend far past their wallets whether they are sellers or buyers.


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