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Merchant Navy Sound Profile


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Well they did make a TTS sound decoder for that model so they got that from somewhere. If you use a Brit I imagine the whistle will be wrong and I don't think a Brit had the chain driven valve gear although I don't know if that makes a difference to the sound. I must admit I am surprised there isn't one seeing as they did one for TTS.

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I must admit I am surprised there isn't one seeing as they did one for TTS.



At the fear of repeating myself, just because a sound file was created for TTS does not mean it can easily be repeated in TXS.

TXS files are all new and presumably as BB pointed out, there are no original MNs available to record so any TXS files would need to be built from scratch by manipulating whatever sounds are available.

Thats a much bigger job than creating a sound profile from actual new recordings. Which brings us back to the constraints imposed by available staff resource and development funds which are both finite.



Yes, my Brit suggestion came from the implied use of an unrebuilt MN profile in the Clan. Which of course would be wrong for the chain noises and whistle.

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Look SteveM6 at fear of repeating myself to make a sound decoder you have to have an original recording to be able to digitise. So if Hornby made a TTS decoder for it then somewhere they had an original recording. You go out take a load of recordings, or if the loco is no longer around look for old recordings. You then pass that through a digitising process to produce a file which then gets converted to the necessary ones and noughts to fit in the processor memory. Nowadays it gets a bit mudded because I doubt many people record in analogue but the digital recordings they take would be far too large to fit in the memory. Then you have the issue that you have got to chop the sounds up into separate chunks for all the functions. So as I have said many times before somewhere they must have an original recording or a derived recording for different archived sounds. Of course they may have lost the original recording they had.

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You missed the key part of my last post:

constraints imposed by available staff resource and development funds which are both finite.

Hornby will have made decisions on which products to focus on to get the biggest bang for their bucks. I don’t think there is an unrebuilt model currently available, other than on pre-order, so it makes sense that any profile for that loco would be a lower priority than locos in production or closer to release.

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they must have an original recording or a derived recording for different archived sounds. Of course they may have lost the original recording they had.



Lost it, only got a low-fidelity recording… or various other alternatives that would require a whole new profile to be created.

Whatever the precise reason(s), the devs have previously stated that they cannot simply copy/convert the TTS profiles into TXS format.

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Look can we get one thing straight the TTS has nothing to do with the original recording it is a derived digitisation. I may have said you could convert a TTS format to the new format but I also said that there wasn't enough data to get a decent sound. So can forget about TTS and focus on the original recording, so you are saying that the original recording is not good enough for your new system, so that says that it is never going to happen because as someone said there are no examples on preserved railways.

As to the devs, they are wrong you can convert TTS to TXS if you really wanted it is just the quality would not be there, all you do is run the loco with TTS and record it or the alternative do a bit of digital processing on the original file. How do you think they made CDs from old Beatles recordings or colour films from original black and white ones. So yes you can do it. I really do wonder where you guys get your information.

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@Colin - of course any audio medium (& obsolete file formats) can technically be converted with the necessary hardware & software - however not with any guarantees on quality.

When the devs say TTS cannot be converted, they are only referring to the unacceptable quality that would result - not a technical impossibility. Apologies, I thought that was obvious & didn’t need stating!

Producing profiles should indeed be easier, if decent quality audio recordings exist, however that still takes time. If new recordings need making, or sounds need generating by mixing or re-processing archive & library sounds - then obviously that will take even longer.

What recordings (& of what quality) the devs currently possess, is known only by them.

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