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Lost Loco on Android App ?

Too Tall

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Yesterday one of my loco decided to vanish from the active locos list on the app.

It was there when I started the app up !

It was still visible in connected devices, but it would not show on the main page.

In order to rectify this I had to delink the device and re-link.

As this resets the device, I also had to go through the re-install of all the updates.

A: Has anyone else had this ?

B: Is there a way of de linking and re linking to the app which does not involve a lengthy re-install ?

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A loco will drop off the control screen scrollable ribbon when made inactive but it will still be in the engine shed. You should be able to reactivate it from there. The only other explanation is that the decoder has become unassigned from the loco. Again you can check and rectify the from the engine shed.

Unfortunately when an update comes thru’ for a decoder it can only be installed profile by profile at present, but when you delete a device and have to relink it although it may reset it keeps the last profile previously installed so there is no need to reload.

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