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Poor slow running and struggles on curves


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Post my A4 William Whitelaw Next 18 issues, I put it back to DC and now have a totally seperate dc loop.

However, with the Hornby controller and track there is poor slow start (doesnt move then just takes off!) And you here it struggle and strain on R3 curves.

Is this just a tight motor needing running in or a motor issue that might be the cause of my Next18 chip cutting out due to motor overloading??

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Worth doing a couple of things, try a 9v battery across tender wheels and see how the motion looks. Always make sure you hold a model by the body avoid handling the rods/valve gear as this can be easily distorted. Motor/gear issues or misaligned valve gear would be noticeable on straights as well as curves.

Clean the track surface, new track often will have traces of release agents etc on and oil from skin through handling. Wipe with lint free cloth or a gentle pass with a piece of soft wood, Balsa is great.

Check the non powered wheels on the loco and in your rolling stock spin freely.

Without knowing the level of slowing, worth mentioning that there is always more resistance in a bend than on a straight.

You always have the option to give CS a call and have Hornby take a look, they are very good at fixing any issues 👍

Edit; How much running in have you given the loco?

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Thanks both of you.

Loco has had at least 30 mins in each direction.

Placed upside down in servicing cradle and placed wires from a combi controller and found:

Three out of four tender bogies work.

Only middle bogie of loco drives but seems to pulse and different to tender drive.

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I’m going to correct some of the terms you are using, please don’t be offended.

Ok, all 8 wheels on the tender should act as pick ups for power, there are no bogies in the tender, the wheel set are all fixed as they do not pivot. Generally a bogie pivots from its centre and has 2 or more axles (4/6 wheels, in some applications more, not often railway) There are types of Truck depending if the lead or trail and pivot or fixed.

ok the central driving wheels are not bogies either. The large wheels (6) should all also pick up power and the centre axle is the one driven by the motor, the outer axles are driven by the connecting rods to the centre axle.

The Pick ups are not all fully functional on your loco, it won’t affect the smoothness as such, it does seem from what you have said that the driving wheels are not running smoothly, however the loco is hardly run in yet, 3/4 full power in each direction for 30 mins more and see if running improves.

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Ok, all 8 wheels on the tender should act as pick ups for power
The large wheels (6) should all also pick up power and the centre axle is the one driven by the motor, the outer axles are driven by the connecting rods to the centre axle.



Thanks. Running not improved. 3 pairs out of 4 on tender are ok and motor drives main loco wheels quite nice. 1 pair out of 3 wheels on loco seem to pick up OK but the drive runs poor and seems to pulse and not as smooth as the tender power test.

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If you are confident you could remove the keeper plate between the driving wheels and check the contacts are always touching wheel backs, they are delicate, only very thin phosphor bronze, you can do same on tender and ensure all the contacts are clean and making contact. If there is contamination on the electrical pick ups it will affect running. It’s a simple routine maintenance job, described on the loco maintenance sheet. As loco is very new though you might prefer Hornby to take a look.

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