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DCC Wire Type


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Flashbang said:

The two wires to a programming track can be of any sized flexible wire - loudspeaker twin flex etc as there is very little current flow while programming. I would avoid solid conductor wires e.g. bell wire, as there

is a risk of this fracturing internally.

brilliant thanks
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It is correct, progamming track wire can be minimal as is only conducting signal strength current. Hence 'bell wire' or phone wire sizes could be used. Flashbang is over stateing the risk of fracturing, how much movement is involved in a supply to a programming



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Blackbird said:

Flashbang is over stateing the risk of fracturing, how much movement is involved in a supply to a programming track?

A good point Blackbird.
But we don't know whether a layout is being moved regularly or

even occasionally, whether the track is lifted and relaid often or the DCC console removed and replaced with each operating season?
So to avoid any risk of a solid wire breaking, IMO it is best to always use a flexible wire.
Keep thin solid conductors

like Telephone and Bell wire to the phone and door bell circuits where the cable is held by clipped into its position and never moves.
Use flexible wires where there is any possibility (a risk) of it being moved, flexed or caught accidentally.

wire is little or no more expensive really anyway! :-)
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