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Powering a large layout with Elite


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Fishmanoz said:

AC, no one answered your hypothetical with 4 loops and crossovers all in separate zones. Yes, if you run a loco over a crossover into a shorted zone, you will short the zone it is coming from too.

Thanks for

that Fishmanoz... you confirm my fears there. With Graskie's previous answer and this too I will certainly just use the Elite etc as outlined in my previous reply to G. Thanks for your input though... very valuable!
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Thanks for all the advice everyone and for the interesting follow up's too all very informative.

I have decided to use domestic 2.5 twin cable for my bus, stripping the earth from inside to make droppers soldered to every track, and then 24/0.2 to connect


the droppers to the bus.

I will be installing the first 10 meters incorporating 10 points ( also with soldered jumpers)during the Christmas holidays and testing the first circuit with a few locos.

Merry Christmas everyone.



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That bare 'earth' wire in 2.5mm2 solid cable is 1.5mm2. Thats rather a large size of wire to be soldered to the rails! Consider obtaining some 16/0.2mm Equipment wire and use that directly to the rails and then run it back to the 2.5mm2 bus wires.


It is ample in wire size for droppers especially if you're installing droppers to a large number of rails.

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