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Odd behavior resulting in multiple resubmission

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I went to "What's on my Workbench" to add a post.  I was on page 1, not page 59.  It shouldn't matter, or so I thought.

I created the post and pressed "save/submit".  Instead of showing me my now saved post as usual, it presented me with the "save/submit" button again.  So I thought perhaps a bad word or something like that.  Nope, so I continued.  Pressed save, same result.

The issue: if you are not on the last page, it will not show your submitted (past tense) post, rather, it requests that you save /  submit again.  Which I did.  Multiple times before the penny dropped


Edited by What About The Bee
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My guess is that upon hitting the save / submit button, the page requests a reload of the page you are on.  Then you see your submitted post.  But if not on last page, there is a logic fault which presents the reply box all filled in, and since filled in, presents the save/submit button.

Just a guess though 


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I should like to clarify what I thought would happen.

I thought that I could enter my reply to Workbench from any page, and that it would add my reply to the bottom of the pages (it did) and then, upon page refresh, show me my post (it did not).  

It showed me the page I was on, page 1, with my reply populated in the reply box, still live.  I did not expect that, at all.  

Normally, when on the last page of a thread, when you press the enter and submit, it reloads the page you are on, and DEPOPULATES the reply box.  You can see your completed post.  That was the expected behavior.  

This should be an easy error to recreate.  Simply go to any thread with multiple pages.  Navigate to page 1.  Enter a reply.  Observe that the reloaded page 1 still has a populated reply box.   [Buzzer sound!]


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