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A17002 Spitfire Mk.VIII build review


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When I was a kid and had a 1/24 spitfire as a present, I was so proud once I'd finished it I retracted the wheels and hung it from the ceiling all by myself.

That night my Spitfire flew for the very fist time ... 😞

Be warned!


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I added the wings to the fuselage using clamps to hold the mating edges together. 


The air intakes were assembled. The grills were painted silver, and I cut in with Vallejo Model Color 70870 158 Medium Sea Grey around the part where the airbrush may not reach. 


The wing tips were then fixed.



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Thanks Ian. I fitted the air intakes. As everything will be buttoned up, I can omit certain steps. A simple engine casing acts as the spinner mount. I had hoped to construct the engine and display it separately, but that will not be possible. The engine is used as a jig to set the frames. 



A portion is cut off at step 123 to allow the cowling assembly to be fitted from the front. 



The assembly of the cowling itself is quite fiddly and can easily be malformed. Initially, I tried to follow the instructions and fully assemble the cowling, then slip it over the engine, but this resulted in too many gaps. Instead, I fixed the side panels to the firewall and the nose ring at the front. To this I fixed the top panel, and finally the lower sub-assembly. 



I will need filler, but the fit is better than before. The instruction is to resume from step 199, but several essential parts will be omitted doing this and I shall resume at step 190.

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I find this a fascinating read. 
The bigger the scale, the more detailed the build obviously. Yet these releases from Airfix from the last 5-10 years give me an insight into the construction of the real thing. Spars, internal detail (even if not seen), turrets, bombays, etc, even the instructions act as a miniature reference document helping to educate me about the way the real thing was build. A world away from the ‘locate & cement’ days. 
Thanks to all. 

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I added the panels at the root of the wing leading edges along with a few bumpy bits. The instructions indicate that they are optional without indicating why. I fitted them anyway. I then filled the chasms around the nose panels. 


Each fishtail exhaust is individually assembled, and they were then airbrushed with black primer. This was followed by an overall shot of Vallejo Model Air 71072 Gunmetal (Metallic). 


I had prepared two zip-lock bags to keep each set of stubs in, then when I came to put them in, one of the port stubs was missing. I had to fabricate another.



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I moved on to step 203 and added the flaps and their indicators. 
I also add the ailerons and cannon shrouds. 
The starboard moveable trim tab was lost and replaced with plastic card. 
I assembled the retracted option for the undercarriage. Steps 210 & 213 have an inset showing a dotted line across the tyre and undercarriage strut. I think this is meant to indicate the position of the weighted part of the tyre. 
These were fitted into the wheel wells and the undercarriage doors were added.
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The tail-wheel undercarriage doors were selected and fitted for the closed option. The kit offers two canopies. Moulding a blown canopy is beyond the current technology without producing a seam that requires polishing out, so they offer another that is less blown. This gives the modeller options. 



I masked the three sections and airbrushed the interior colour with them unfitted. I made the mistake of thinning the Tamiya paint with Revell thinners, and this turned the paint into gloop. I had to thoroughly clean the airbrush. Masking of the main airframe followed. I used sponge to fill the cockpit, acting as a mask, before priming. Initially I sprayed Vallejo Acrylic 74601 Grey Polyurethane Surface Primer over the under surfaces, but for some reason I had flow problems, 


so I switched to Ammo Mig One Shot Primer A.Mig 2024 Grey over the upper sides and this sprayed much better.


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I masked the straight demarcation lines between upper and lower areas. 


I used Vallejo Model Air 71048 Dark Sea Grey was sprayed freehand over the upper surfaces to the A Pattern. Vallejo Model Air 71019 Camouflage Dark Green FS34064 RAL6007 was used to fill in the disruptive camouflage A scheme. 


It would appear that some repair work had been done to this airframe as the painting guide calls for a different shade of green towards the tail. 


I used Vallejo Model Air 71017 Russian Green over this area of the disruptive camouflage pattern.



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I sprayed Klear as protection for the paintwork already done. When dry, I masked the leading edge of the wings 



and sprayed white. I touched up a couple of areas with a brush.



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I have since airbrushed another coat of Klear as a foundation for the transfers. I turned to the propeller, part building before I sprayed the tips. 


With the airbrush in use, I sprayed the propeller hub with Humbrol Acrylic Dropper Bottle DB0085 Black – Satin.  and spinner plate with silver. I airbrushed painted the spinner and back plate with red. I then masked the yellow tips of the propellers at approximately 4.2mm and airbrushed the propeller blades with Vallejo Model Air 71057 Black. I stripped the masking tape from propeller tips.



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Guest Wokka

The Foliage Green overpaint was to cover up the RAF serial number and sky band around the rear fuselage.

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