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Golden Arrow coach table lighting DCC conversion


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Hi everyone,

I recently began converting my layout to DCC one bit at a time, but my favourite set is my Golden Arrow including 3 pullman coaches with table lighting. But what i wanna know is, is it possible to convert the coaches to DCC so I can switch


the lights on and off or is it just a safer bet to leave them as they are? and will the coaches work on a DCC layout without being DCC themselves?

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minimissile2 said:

Thank You, I wasn't sure and I didn't want to test it in case something went wrong. But do you know if the coaches would work with a DCC conversion and does anyone have any idea how I could go about doing this?


are a few options available for DCC conversions. The first is to fit a decoder in each coach and give them all the same address to allow them all to be turned on and off together.

Second option is to have a single decoder in one coach and run a pair

of wires from this decoder to all the coaches, with a "loop" of wire between carriages for flexibility. It is also possible to fit electrically conductive couplers or miniature plugs and sockets between coaches which allows them to be disconnected if needed.
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