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Select Overload Problem


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If there are no wires or strands of wire in the terminals at the rear, then do try the reset as per the manual page 19.

If that fails, return the Select to Hornby Service Dept in Westwood, Margate, Kent for repair/replacement. Depending on its


age there may be a small charge for this service if its outside of warranty.


Good luck

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Flashbang said:

If there are no wires or strands of wire in the terminals at the rear, then do try the reset as per the manual page 19.
If that fails, return the Select to Hornby Service Dept in Westwood, Margate, Kent for repair/replacement.

Depending on its age there may be a small charge for this service if its outside of warranty.
tried reset but no effect and all connected as per instructions
Good luck
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UKRazor (5 posts) , 6 hours ago 19:09 04 January 2013

Thanks tried all suggestions ?

There is still one from Flashbang.

Flashbang said:

...return the Select to Hornby Service Dept in Westwood, Margate,

Kent for repair/replacement. Depending on its age there may be a small charge for this service if its outside of warranty.
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  • 3 years later...

Of course you can comment if you feel you can add value. Nothing against it at all. I was just inferring that you might possibly have been wasting your own time. It's more than likely the original poster has resolved his issue by now. And given that Razor has a total all time history post count of 5 all made in Jan 2013 he is unlikely to see these later posts.

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i do not check the history of the poster,or indeed when it was posted,you must remember,i am coming back to the hobby,there are hundreds if not thousands of posts i have not yet read,and its all info for me,you have very kindly replied to questions i have posted,but you do come across as quite blunt,not everybody has your knowledge or know how,we all cant be experts,i hope it doesnt put off newcomers like me to this forum

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Thank you Paul for the constructive criticism. I will try to provide a softer tone (less blunt) in the future. It seems I can't win. I have been remarked at by some previously for being too 'touchy feely'. Most criticism I receive is for being too detailed, or too wordy. I think it only the second time I can recall being told I'm too blunt. If it comes over that way, it is not intentional. I try my best to be factual in my replies, being 'matter of fact' can appear as bluntness I suppose.


When I pointed out the expiry date of the original question in this thread. I was thinking of the time when I got caught out myself and did exactly what you did. I replied to an aged post without looking at the date. Then somebody followed on behind me and several more posts appeared before somebody else pointed out my oversight in resurrecting a dead thread as I did to yours. I treated it as a lesson learned and now look more closely at posting dates. Hence why I picked up on the dates on this occasion. I wasn't trying to be critical, just trying to pass on a lesson learnt from my own mistake.


No hard feelings on my part. I will continue to look out for your posts and reply to them where I think I can add value.

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@Chrissaf................Actually, Chris, your demeanour on this occassion was not as bad as you think because you were only "quite blunt" as opposed to "too blunt"......... 😆.........so be content and have another scotch.....HB.

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HB, ignoring the jokes (well I hope they're jokes) for a moment and ignoring the time when I inadvertently upset you for which I was and still am expressly sorry. Taking my posts overall, of which you have read many, do you think they come over in a 'blunt' manner. If they do, then I would genuinely want to understand what makes them appear so.

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@ Chris.................I have never taken any post of yours as being "blunt".......informative, concise, to the point, detailed, matter of fact in the nicest possible way, yes..........it takes a little time to get to know each others manner of speaking for newbies here as I recently was............. I think the introduction and usage of the Emoticon symbols can go a long way to alleviate many a misunderstanding......... 😎.........Regards,  HB.

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That's a relief HB, for a minute there I was beginning to think that your 'joke' had a hidden agenda to it. 😇

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I remember when I was a forum newbie I was very sensitive to any reply that I deemed being critical of me. It took me quite a long time to realise that nothing sinister was meant by the comments that I thought derogatory.


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