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Of course, what you should all realise now is that this thread has been resurrected and gained a life of its own and perpetuated well past its sell by date. Which was what I was trying to avoid by making my 'resurrection' reply in the first place. 😎


And yes before somebody points it out.

"I started it !!!"

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You are not the first, Chris, you are in good company. I have been known to offend before. Impish sense of humour, dont you know. john


Yes John, I remember my first forum posts back in 2013. I was a newbie with a post count of 1 or thereabouts and your reply cut me to the bone. That post is probably still on here somewhere.


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From a previous life I have a tankard presented to me upon leaving, inscribed 'To blah-blah For His Outstanding Tact and Diplomacy'.

Says it all really...


I was always of the opinion that if you asked me once, you didn't know, if you asked me twice, you had forgotten the first answer,  but if you asked me three times, you were liable to get an earful for being a *#%^|¥.


Have you noticed there are some sensitive souls on these forums, some of whom I would liken to having a chip (not DCC) to bear upon their shoulder, or am I looking through rose (wine?) coloured glasses this afternoon.

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Your answer will be in the bottom of the tankard Rob, in the colour of the glass you see as your drain it once more.


I do remember thinking when you first came on Chris, who is this young upstart of a technical bent, hopefully didn't come across in my posts before I got over it?  Easy to find those early exchanges now as all of everyone's posts can be sources by going to their profile now, and from there you can find the threads and what others said.  Usen't to be the case, is now.

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I was new to this hobby and full of enthusiasm. Reading the rich history of the existing posts I sensed a lack of understanding of electrical theory. I thought to myself, I have a non Model Railway (MR) skill set that can add value here and be easily applied to MRs. Yes in hindsight, I probably did come across a bit of a cocky upstart.

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