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Sound and Program timing


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Starting to write programs and as a first step I often turn sound on wait 10 seconds or so then the loco moves off. I'm finding it hard to predict how long it will take to move after the instruction as it seems to want to go through a sound sequence at


times. Anyone solved this issue as until we get loco detection timing is critical.

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You don't need loco detection in order to use sounds in your programs. I ran six locos, a turntable and a tipper at an exhibition recently with no loco detection. Worked fine. Whilst there are minor differences in where a loco will stop each time (due


to motors, track etc.) if you calibrate every now and then (running very slowly up against buffers in a station or siding) then it works nicely.


Turning the sound on, on say a diesel, has a start-up time as the engine starts then idles. This can take


10, 20 whatever seconds but it doesn't matter because whatever you tell your program to do will happen pretty-much the same every time. In real life, of course, an engine would never start up then immediately move off. It would take some time while the engine


idles and control panel checks are made before the driver moves off.


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