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Model Railway - What's your latest acquisition?

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My Hornby R2171 Canadian Pacific had the original price still on it, it was £71.50. I cannot remember when I bought it, I know it came from the Signal Box in Rochester (sadly gone), I preordered it because I liked the colour. I checked EBay and I remember there was one for sale in the North York Moors Engine Shed shop (I was on holiday), and all of them were around the £100 mark, because I remembered thinking that is a lot of money for an old loco, that is not even DCC ready. What is it about these and the unrebuilt ones that makes them fetch so much money? It is the same with Wrenn, if it is a City loco it is worth around the £100 mark, but if it is a unrebuilt West Country it can be as much as £400.

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Just pre oderd SR Terrier 0-6-0T W10 'Cowes' R3812 it's for a new fictitious 4.7mt end to end layout that is still very much in the planing stage but I know will be SR and now seems that it will be based somewher on the Isle of Wight  😆 which is a strange twist as I live just across the water and see the island every day as I walk on the beach and regularly visit.




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I find you have to define your 'search' then keep looking - something normally comes up, but if it's at auction it can go for a ridiculous price.


The most 'valuable' / sought after are the Hornby un-rebuilt Merchant Navy locos - they're still an 'arm-and-a-leg'.


I tried a couple of times at Sir Keith Park, but each one went over £110, so I left it - not paying that.

I fancied a rebuilt lightweight.


Diesels are coming next for me - a 59, then a 66, then a 55 next - 3 different manufacturers.



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I just did a search on Sir Keith Park, they are totally ridiculas prices. The Wrenn ones are even more stupid. I have got 2 early unrebuilt Hornby models, that I bought years ago, but the good news is the body shape is still the same. I have early eighties one, but that is totally different. The really good thing about them is that there is loads of room to put the DCC chip in, in my two I had to add a socket but there was loads of room, but the model is really simple the valve gear is really uncomplicated. There is even room to put a decent speaker in it. At those prices it will be cheaper to buy the new one when Hornby release it.

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I'm sorry, but I find the Wrenn M/N's so basic, I wouldn't buy one at any price. Although the Hornby ones have been around for almost twenty years, they still look very good. I have twenty four M/N - some for renaming and numbering - only six to go! Some of the latest models such as Nederland Line and Elder Dempster, can be bought new, for less than some of the older model - the bonus with these models is that DCC/Sound can be fitted fairly easily. There are always a number of "new" tenders available on ebay, so if the model has the wrong one (and this is a bit of a minefield) they can be swapped. I have one built from parts - I bought a DCC Chassis, a body (it has to be a later model body) and a tender. It only worked out fractionally cheaper than buying the complete loco. Although it can be done, with a fair degree of internal butchery, the early bodies will not fit on a DCC chassis.

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 An unboxed Lima Mk1 BSK in BR Chocolate & Cream@  £11 (I think)


Two boxed Mainline SK, one BR maroon with the other blood and custard @ £12 each


A Boxed Mainline Stanier 57' Brake in BR Maroon also @ again £12


I had only intended to buy Coaches but could not pass an unboxed Lima Class 121 in BR Green for £28 and then I got a slight discount for cash.


The only defecys I have found so far is a missing buffer on one of the SKs and it's bogies were held on by self tappers but I knew I has a spare chassis (from a green Southern Region one I had spoiled trying to to repaint years ago (just hope I can find the body to provide the missing buffer!)


I couldn't test the railcar but I thought I'd take the risk as I have at least 3 working Lima motors which have had little use I can rob parts from.


All from an "antiques" cabinet rather than a model shop. Even with the defects they seemed like reasonable value when compared to on-line sales especially as I have most of the spares which SWMBO says I must clear out to make room!

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That lovely but old Canadian Pacific click seemed to go, was running well, then ... stopped!


I ended up replacing the gears, and a spare motor in case a 'few thou' had worn off the worm - original gear was metal as well ...

Then I had all manner of problems reassembling - the rear parts of the connected (some are separate like the Coronations) connecting rods ... they seemed too long!!


Eventually I figured out that the 'floating' sprung axle mount for the rear axle has more one side than the other, and I'd managed to reverse it ... 

Duly reversed to correct way around, and all is well - running OK ... for now.

I managed to replace the idler gear - in-between initial and final drive gears as well.



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Hi Sarah,

Certainly had me for a while.

I though I'd 'stretched' the conrods or something equally bizarre.


Needless to say they showed their 'flexible tendencies' a couple of times, so I'll tread carefully with this one ...


Now onto the Black 5 that's shorting out ...



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Last weeks has got to be the best. I bought a Bachmann A4 off that popular auction site, for a very reasonable price . It said it was DCC fitted and it was the new type of Bachmann (no split chassis). It arrived this morning. To my surprise it had lights and a smoke generator fitted. I had to glue a few bits back on, but that was a real result.

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Oh Dear!


I popped into my local model railway shop today to see if they had the new Ransome & Rapier 45 ton breakdown crane, which they hadn't, but I came out with a rail mounted gun and a Dean Goods in ROD livery! 


Will I never learn!?

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A couple of simple plastic profile strips to make up some custom enclosures for mobile phone speakers for my locos. I wanted a ready made suitably sized box section but had to make do with H-section and flat strip. The idea is to try ‘tuned’ lengths for the box to see which gives the best sound. I am sure their is science out there to calculate this based on the speaker size and frequency response, etc.

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There's mention of the 4P Midland Compound in another thread - another of my 'all time favourites' which I think I saw at Bressingham, and at the 150th anniversary of the Rainhill Trials all those years ago.


I've occasionally looked for a 'good, used' in perfect condition, but they're all at elevated prices ... managed to 'win' one today at a more respectable price ...

It is the 'NRM 1000 Midland' one - looks great.


I'll post some pictures up once I receive it ... hopefully later on next week.



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