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Model Railway - What's your latest acquisition?

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@WTD - glad you have returned (from walking the dog perhaps)....!    😆


@Bulleidboy - model shop telephone to say (contrary to Hornby's website image) 35030 Elder Dempster Lines doesn't have the electrification flashes - so I'll be heading there in the morning!     😀


I can also confirm that it does not have the electrification flashes. BB

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Over the last month, thanks to a colleague talking about biomass wagons he sees daily, I've purchased a good-used Bachmann Class 66 from Rails, and 'a few' HH hopper wagons - OK, quite a lot actually!!

Out of the country for now, so they'll be waiting for me when I return.

I was trying to stick to '48 - late 60's with a 'few exceptions' until now ... never mind!!


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Two weeks ago, I got the Metcalfe country station, having been posting in the "What was running on your layout today?" post. I added it in there. 


But after someone suggested putting it here, I decided I'd wait until I bought some new products before posting, so here we go. 


As I said, the Metcalfe country station, which was finished off last weekend. And today after my model shop trip. I bought some Gaugemaster products: mod - roc (GM100), and some assorted lichen (GM166). So this afternoon, I'll be looking through old boxes for polystyrene, to put the mod - roc onto. 




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The wife is going to ban me access to 'a certain internet auction site' when I travel!!

Last week I purchased an excellent-looking used Freightliner Class 57 (Bachmann) to 'banker' the biomass hoppers being hauled by the Freightliner 66 purchased 3 weeks ago.

Yesterday I couldn't resist it and JUST 'won' a Hornby Class 50 - always loved to see them in Newquay station as a teenager - big, muscular and quite stylish - belays the sheer size. Looking forwards to seeing the fan moving ... Not certain but I think it has opening doors - might be wrong, but looks great. D421 - trying to keep it as 'early' as possible!!


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Mk2 'blue and whites' are on their way - actually selected good 'new old stock' / used Airfix as the default Mk2 coaches - look great.

I've bought a few Motorail coaches to tag on the end as well - Lima twin deck and Oxford Rail mono-deck.

Got to open and see that Class 66 - looks fantastic. Heavy but surprised it's relatively light for a big Bachmann diesel - only 530 g - others weigh closer to 600 g from them.

Looks like it may need the Class 57 I purchased as a banker!!

D421 not arrived yet - can't wait. Seller says grilles are perfect and has never 'messed' with the adjustable ones - might lubricate before I meddle with it and then there's the fan .... 

A bit too complex I think, but nice 'gimmicks' nevertheless.


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