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DCC on Normal layout


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Hi Guys and Girls, Im in Aus and just ordered my first DCC loco box set, What im wanting to know pretty sure I already do, Can you run a DCC loco on a normal layout? Or do I have to remove the chip first? What are your main thoughts on DCC? The only way


to go or what? many thanks everyone :)

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Hi Patto (from Sydney),


Yes, you can run DCC on DC, but not recommended. And I agree with Graskie re going DCC. Take alook at this site for a comprehensive intro http://www.brian-lambert.co.uk/DCC.htm and also the DCC section on this site.




your set comes with a Select controller, make provision for upgrade to the Elite too.


And rather than buying in Aust, take a look at UK discount online retailers like Hattons in Liverpool, much cheaper than Aust prices even with postage. Even with


dollar dropping now, you save GST and VAT.


Good luck with it, great hobby.

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