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E-link - Railmaster Short Circuit


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I don't get anything displayed on my RailMaster screen, just a 2 tone beep when the short occurs and a repeat beep when the short is cleared. Under Windows 8 it is again a case of having to reset everything before I can continue trying to get it working



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First run as administrator as you found in the other thread. Also, are you running v1.51, the latest version of RM. it should upgrade itself with your permission anyway, but has been known to not give you this option on occasion. If not 1.51, it can be


downloaded directly from the site.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I too am finding frustrations with the short circuit issue. I did my first run of RM as an administrator and am using version 1.51, but in the event of a short circuit, or other error, which the Elite always indicated, I see nothing on the screen when


using eLink. Indeed, on each occasion I have to power down eLink and shut down/restart RM to recover.


This situation is not very clever and it is identifying some fragilities of the eLink module. I am particularly concerned with the neccesity to unplug


the USB connection and either the mains plug or power plug into the eLink module.

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It has been suggested on another forum that using the 4 amp supply gets over most of the short circuit issues as the 1 amp tends to trip out on shorts circuits hence the need to power down. I have only seen an on screen message for a short circuit once


using ver 1.51. Can't confirm as I only have the 1 amp supply.

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I have had another play with the eLink tonight. I made a number of tests shorting the rails and got the following results.


eLink 1 amp supply - eLink green light flashes whilst in short circuit and needs to be powered down and rail master closed.


eLink powered up and after a few seconds restart Rail master


Select 1 amp power supply - elink green flashes but as soon as short circuit removed locos will start running immediately.


Only twice have I got the on screen warning and both times


I was shorting out the programming track. Shorting out the running track 10 times on no message.


So if you have a select power supply use that one to get around the issue until you can afford a 4 amp supply.

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I have had another play with the eLink tonight. I made a number of tests shorting the rails and got the following results.


eLink 1 amp supply - eLink green light flashes whilst in short circuit and needs to be powered down and rail master closed.


eLink powered up and after a few seconds restart Rail master


Select 1 amp power supply - elink green flashes but as soon as short circuit removed locos will start running immediately.


Only twice have I got the on screen warning and both times


I was shorting out the programming track. Shorting out the running track 10 times on no message.


So if you have a select power supply use that one to get around the issue until you can afford a 4 amp supply.

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The latest update to RailMaster (version 1.52), which should be automatically downloaded onto your PC, includes an enhanced short circuit management system, irrespective of the power supply you are using with the eLink.


The RailMaster update will


also update your eLink firmware to version 1.03.


If your PC blocks the automatic download (usually caused by your antivirus/firewall software) then you can also download and run the update manually from www.powerpos.com/rail-master/rm_setup152.exe.


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I can also confirm the updates solve the issue. On screen window now appears to notify of short and locos continue when short removed and window acknowledged.

I was starting to wonder whether I had been too hasty in buying. Starting to warm to it now.



you for the update Hornby.

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With the complexity of software these days and the pressure to get products to market, it is not unreasonable to expect that a couple of bugs remain. RM Support has always been very responsive in fixing these. The handheld apps were a case in point as


they went from buggy beta, to initial release, to a now stable and useful product. RM Support seemed to be available 24/7 to fix concerns then.

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I find this discussion interesting. I have just installed railmaster on my 'Little England' layout (approx 22' x 12'). I tested it first on the bench using a length of flexible track and a D49 loco. It worked fine. I then applied the power leads to the


layout. With NO trains running, I got an apparent short - table lamps in the Brighton Belle flashed slowly on and off!' Two sources at Hornby said it is a power problem and I need a 4 amp pack. When I apply one I will report back-fingers crossed. I cant see


the reasoning behind this solution because surely with no trains running there is no drain on the power pack ,1amp or whatever amp, or am I wrong. Can someone explain? Geoff.

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You say there is no power because no trains are running on your layout however do you have lots of accessory decoder modules (on a 22'x12' layout) and locos sitting on the tracks, with lights on that may just trip a 1amp supply.



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Geoff, Tim is likely correct but we can only help you with your problem if you tell us more about your setup, starting with what controller you are using and then what exactly is on your layout so we know what decoders are connected to your track as per


Tim's above.


For a start, it seems to me that you have more than an apparent short. The short seems real, even if it is not a complete zero impedance but an overall low impedance brought about by some cause including too many decoders in parallel across


your tracks.


Anyway, tell us more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have hooked up Rilmaster to a fairly large layout (22ft x 12ft) with 35 locos and 45 points. It ran well last evening so I switched off and went to bed happy after a few hours of frustration getting it going. This morning I switched everything on....NO


POWER TO TRACK FROM E-LINK! I have powered down the e-link and re-started Railmaster. NO JOY! I am using a 4amp power pack. Any suggestions?

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Sorry guys, I missed replying to your kind comments.

Prior to tyring out Railmasater I rean totally Digitrax. Controller was the Zephyr and all DS54 Digitrax point decoders with PECO motors. After adding a 4amp pack the ;flashing went away and I have,


through trial and error, managed to get Railmaster running. That is, running a couple of trains. I am slowly adding locos. I also have built my track plan. I am now trying to add point lights and then I shall try and program the d point ecoders. Big Job ,


but I think well worth it. Its rather nice to stand in front of a screen with your panel on it and run the layout. Unfortunately, as I said in my last post, NO POWER TO TRACK eminating from E-link. UGH!!

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Have yet to see a live eLink but know it has a green light to show if it is on, but let's run you through a simple check list for a start and let us know the answers.


Is the 4 amp supply working? Measure its output with a meter to prove, but a


good indication will be that the light comes up on eLink.


Does RM report that it has detected the eLink? If yes, another indication the power supply is functioning, as well as the eLink.


You say no track output. Is this because you have measured


it and there are no volts, or because nothing will move? If nothing is moving, try connecting it to a separate short section of track and see if anything will work on that. If the latter works, you may have a short somewhere since last used successfully. Have


you changed anything since then? If Ou can measure across your track with a meter, it should show a high resistance, not short circuit.


Do you get anything from the programming track output that you can se by whether you can read CVs or loco ID?




did you find something wrong in that series of checks? Let us know. And you might also email RM Support from within RM Help and let them know and see what they say.

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Perhaps a daft question - but can you have the DCC command track live and the programming track live at the same time from the same RM/E-link control sysytem? Don't know why but I have developed a habit of unplugging one when I want to use the other. Thanks,



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They should not both be live on the same piece of track at the same time. The way to do it is to have a length of track in a siding isolated with insulated rail joiners on both rails. You then connect to this track via a double pole double throw switch


which connects program output in one direction and track output in the other.


So you can switch it to program, place a loco on the track to program it, then throw the switch to track and drive it out of the siding.

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