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Railmaster Start Up - Point Setting Speed Vs Decoder Recharge Time

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HRMS, there seems to be a difference between the meaning of the first para in your first post here, and the first para in your second. The first says the .75 seconds is the optimum point firing time while the second says it is the pause after point firing


with the pulse set separately. Could you please conform which is correct.


I'd also note that .75 seconds is in fact the correct pulse length for Hornby solenoid point motors, as detailed in the R8247 decoder leaflet.

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Pete172, depending on HRMS's answer to mine above, I suspect your problem is that the seep motor, being a motor not a solenoid, needs a longer pulse length set for it to operate. The specs for the seep should tell you what that is. Also, while the pulse


may be longer, the current will be much lower so there should still be enough energy stored to fire all 4 before the recharge delay of 2-4 seconds.

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Fishmanoz said:

HRMS, there seems to be a difference between the meaning of the first para in your first post here, and the first para in your second. The first says the .75 seconds is the optimum point firing time while the second says it

is the pause after point firing with the pulse set separately. Could you please conform which is correct.

I'd also note that .75 seconds is in fact the correct pulse length for Hornby solenoid point motors, as detailed in the R8247 decoder leaflet.


the last para in your second post seems inconsistent with the first para, but consistent with the first para of your first post.
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Fishmanoz said:

Pete172, depending on HRMS's answer to mine above, I suspect your problem is that the seep motor, being a motor not a solenoid, needs a longer pulse length set for it to operate. The specs for the seep should tell you

what that is. Also, while the pulse may be longer, the current will be much lower so there should still be enough energy stored to fire all 4 before the recharge delay of 2-4 seconds.

Seep motors are solenoids not rotating motors http://www.hobbybase.co.uk/gaugemaster-pm4-seep-point-motor-with-self-latching-mechanism.html?gclid=CJLEwq6Ey7gCFWOWtAodYAoAcw
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HornbyRailMasterSupport said:

To clear up any confusion:-

The "Points Timer" in the RailMaster.ini file specifies the number of seconds RailMaster should pause after firing a point when firing points in rapid succession, e.g. during

start-up. The default setting is 0.75 seconds.

Would I be correct in saying that other "rapid succession" occurrences would be in the setting of a route, but not within a program?
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HornbyRailMasterSupport said:

To clear up any confusion:-

The "Points Timer" in the RailMaster.ini file specifies the number of seconds RailMaster should pause after firing a point when firing points in rapid succession, e.g. during

start-up. The default setting is 0.75 seconds.

And just so I can see if I'm confused or doubly confused - if the pulse length to fire a solenoid point is .75 seconds and the pause is also .75 seconds, does that mean a point fires every .75 seconds

or every 1.5 seconds?
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Fishmanoz said:

HornbyRailMasterSupport said:

To clear up any confusion:-

The "Points Timer" in the RailMaster.ini file specifies the number of seconds RailMaster should pause after firing a point when firing points in rapid

succession, e.g. during start-up. The default setting is 0.75 seconds.

And just so I can see if I'm confused or doubly confused - if the pulse length to fire a solenoid point is .75 seconds and the pause is also .75 seconds, does that mean a point fires

every .75 seconds or every 1.5 seconds?

My understanding is that the default firing pulse is set at 100 milliseconds (0.1 sec ), the CDU then takes 0.75 seconds to re-charge enough to fire another Hornby point motor, however my SEEP motors

need the CDU to re-charge for 3 seconds !!
I would point out that changing the timer to 3sec in the ini file seems to slow all point timing down, this includes changing them manually, and it takes much longer to trawl through the point setting stage (even

before it has fired the 1st motor)and extends the pause between the 1st fire and the second fire of each motor, I suppose much of this is to be expected if the dwell time is extended to 3sec. However it does work, so for now, I am happy..
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From what HRMS has said, the decoder can fire 5 maybe 6 point motors with only 3 x .75 = 2.25 seconds delay between them, before then needing to recharge for up to 4 seconds before it can do that again. Clearly there is enough charge in the CDU for up


to 3 firings based on this.


If a seep motor needs a 3 second recharge before another can be fired, that would mean it uses around three times the energy of the Hornby. That seems rather high. Have you tried with delays of less than 3 seconds but more


than .75? Are you sure it doesn't work with a 1.5, 2, or 2.5 second delay?

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And on default firing time, I checked out the Elite manual and point motor leaflet. It doesn't say explicitly anywhere what the firing time is, but there is mention of a pulse around .8 seconds. Does anyone have a definitive answer?
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Fishmanoz said:

From what HRMS has said, the decoder can fire 5 maybe 6 point motors with only 3 x .75 = 2.25 seconds delay between them, before then needing to recharge for up to 4 seconds before it can do that again. Clearly there is enough

charge in the CDU for up to 3 firings based on this.

If a seep motor needs a 3 second recharge before another can be fired, that would mean it uses around three times the energy of the Hornby. That seems rather high. Have you tried with delays of less

than 3 seconds but more than .75? Are you sure it doesn't work with a 1.5, 2, or 2.5 second delay?

Hi Fishmaoz,
I know the R8247 needed more than the 0.75sec to re-charge before firing another SEEP motor. Others have found that about 3 sec is

required, so that is what I set mine to in the .ini file, and it works reliably. Yes you may be right, maybe they will work with a 2 sec delay, but I would need to go back into the ini file & try it (not a big job I suppose). Are you using SEEPS too ?
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Fishmanoz said:

And on default firing time, I checked out the Elite manual and point motor leaflet. It doesn't say explicitly anywhere what the firing time is, but there is mention of a pulse around .8 seconds. Does anyone have a definitive


Hi Fishmanoz,
Page 41 of the Railmaster PDF shows the R8247 pulse duration as 100mS (default I think). This can be changed to give longer pulses, but I read in the R8247 instructions, that you should not go beyond 0.8 of a second (800ms)for

a solenoid motor.
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